Saturday, December 28, 2019

Industrialization During The 19th Century - 1283 Words

Life in the 19th century changed rapidly due to the influences of the industrial revolution, which lead to the mass production of goods, making products more affordable for common people. Industrialisation lead to urbanisation and more people flocked from rural areas to towns creating more disease, and by the end of the 1800’s 80% of the population of Britain lived in cities. Steam powered cotton factories supplied half of the world and coal mining, in areas such as Newcastle, expanded to meet the demands of railway construction. Ship building increased and so did engineering. Farming was still big and machinery was easier to use and faster. Craftsman, blacksmiths and carpenters could be found in rural areas, and lace making was a popular industry there too. Factories were ill-equipped but the conditions were bad. Children were regularly used as they were ideal to do jobs in small spaces and for cleaning. The state took over from the private, and law makers such as trade union s addressed and improved working conditions, particularly child labour. The 1833 factory act improved conditions for children and forbade factory owners from working children under 16 to work longer than 10 hours each day, and that children under 13 years were to get at least 2 hours of education per day. There also became a provide for inspectors. Working conditions continued to improve for the working poor, especially children and in the 1840’s legislation forced factory owners to fence off dangerousShow MoreRelatedIndustrialization During The 19th Century1751 Words   |  8 PagesIndustrialization in the US During the 19th Century (Adjusted) There are many causes and effects of America’s Industrialization, some of the main reasons include: migration to cities, improved transportation, and laissez-faire philosophy, while the primary effects generated by these causes include; consumerism, expansion of the market, and changed working conditions. First, one of the major causes of America’s mechanization is social, and it’s the mass migration of people into the cities. AroundRead MoreIndustrialization During The 19th Century Essay1550 Words   |  7 Pages During the 19th century in England and other areas of Europe and era of industrialization occurred, which led to the construction of numerous factories equipped with new machines. 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These big businesses also beganRead MoreIndustrial Revolution1160 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ Industrialization of the 19th Century in America Matt Capone FIN 419 Professor Moore May 3, 2014 Over the course of time, the country of America has changed in many ways. Towards the end of the 19th century, a significant change took place in the fundamental structure of the economy. That change was industrialization. During this time period, the United States of America changed from a large, agricultural country, to an urban industrial society. The process of industrializationRead MoreNegative Effects Of Industrialization701 Words   |  3 PagesDuring the late 19th and all of the 20th century many events took place affecting the current situation our world is facing today.   The broad term, industrialization, refers to the development of goods produced by machinery and the discovery of new energy resources.   Industrialization had many positive and negative effects on the citizens of the world during these two centuries.   The events under industrialization could be said to have fallen victim to the â€Å"snowball effect† and been a cause of theRead More19th Cent ury Industrialization Essay1485 Words   |  6 Pages19th Century Industrialization Nineteenth Century Industrialization During the second half of the nineteenth century, the United States experienced an urban revolution unparalleled in world history up to that point in time. As factories, mines, and mills sprouted out across the map, cities grew up around them. The late nineteenth century, declared an economist in 1889, was not only the age of cities, but the age of great cities. Between 1860 and 1910, the urban population grew from 6 millionRead MoreEssay on The Impact of Industrialization 908 Words   |  4 PagesDuring the 19th century, modifications and innovative ideas formed what would shape the face of the modern world. Industrialization was the shift from an agrarian and handmade economy to a machine and manufactured one (Judge 664). It transpired in Britain first and eventually spread across the Atlantic and the United States. Industrialization helped pave the way towards more workers’ rights, stronger nations, improved economies, and improvements for the middle and lower classes. 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A number of factors contributed to Britain’s role as the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution. For one, it had great deposits of coal and iron ore, which proved essential for industrialization. Additionally, Britain was a politically stable societyRead MoreThe Rise Of The Late And Early 20th Century1693 Words   |  7 Pages The period surrounding the late and early 20th century was the most dramatic era in modern history. It was a period where Western ideals were pushed by motivated empires with ambitions of wealth and expanding territory and, while impossible to distinguish the most influencing factor that led to the Westernization of nations on a global scale, it is easy to determine key points that played important roles in world history. With Western cultures emerging with both technological and military advantage

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Should Sex Education Be Taught - 1226 Words

Should sex education be taught to young adults in school? This has been a major controversial topic for many years amongst parents, teachers, and other community members. Their biggest concern is that it teaches students that it is okay to have sex at a young age and think that the program shows them how sexual intercourse is done. Although, this is not the intent of the class, like some may think. They tend to believe that abstinence-only programs should be taught in schools. Allowing sexual education to be taught in public schools and not in an abstinence-only point of view is something that every school should do because it can help them understand the facts about their bodies. â€Å"Sex education aims to reduce of potentially negative outcomes from sexual behavior, such as unwanted or unplanned pregnancies and infection with sexually transmitted diseases including HIV.† (AVERT) By teaching sexual education it can help them to understand the emotional values it has by resis ting peer pressure and how to recognize it. One reason sex education should be taught in public schools is because parents tend to make up names for the private parts of children’s bodies starting at a very young age; making it seem that their body is something to be ashamed of. Teaching them the appropriate names of their genitalia can help them better to communicate with their parents and letting them know the difference in an inappropriate touch and a good touch. If parents and teachers took the time toShow MoreRelatedShould Sex Education Be Taught?1553 Words   |  7 Pageschildren get the proper education they need so they are aware and are able to protect themselves. The way sex education should be taught is debated among parents, educators, religious groups, and society. Some people believe in abstinence only curriculum while others believe a comprehensive curriculum is more effective. Values, beliefs, and funds can affect how students are being taught. It is important that we pick a curriculum that works best for the students. Sex education can vary in what theyRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Taught?862 Words   |  4 Pageswrite about is Sex Education in the classroom. Almost all student in the USA receive some type of sex education between the grades 7th and 12th. Sometime even as early as 4th grade. Many states now have laws that do not allow the parents to opt out of the class, regardless of how they feel about their child being taught, these things (Contemporary Education Issues | K12 Academics, 2015). While some states leave it up to the individual district to set the rules for sex education in the districtRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Taught? Essay1360 Words   |  6 Pagesaddressing sex education in my classroom. The state-mandated teaching standards promoting a biased, abstinence-only program, however, do little to communicate reliable and inclusive information about sexuality. Texas provisions and education codes relating to sex education should sustain amendments that fully address the sexual health needs of every student, regardless of their gender identity, sexual orientation or sexual expression. Sex Education in Texas The topic of sex education in the UnitedRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Taught?2918 Words   |  12 PagesCarley Siegel Position Paper Midterm 10/15/14 Sex Education in Schools Minnesota is ranked number six out of all states in teen birth rate. Minnesota is ranked number three in teen pregnancy rate. The average ages for all of these results are girls aged from fifteen to nineteen. With the most recent statics, in 2012 there were 3,295 teenage girls to give birth to a child and in 2010 there was 146 million spent on teenage childbearing. The last statistic I found was there were are 18.5 births perRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Taught?1124 Words   |  5 PagesSex is always a touchy subject, adolescents feel embarrassed discussing it with their parents or teacher and adults feel awkward answering questions. When people discuss being pregnant or breastfeed it’s often referred to as a natural thing, but when discussing sex it is a natural thing that a lot of adults feel uncomfortable confronting. There can be number of problems that can occur in the area of adolescent sexuality, but it is important to keep in mind majority of adolescents have heal thy sexualRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Taught?947 Words   |  4 Pagessociety is whether or not kids should receive sex education in public schools. With rates of teen pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases on the rise, it is essential that school aged adolescents receive appropriate sex education courses. Though many parents across the nation believe that it is crucial to curriculum, how much they should be taught and what exactly should be taught is up for dispute. Articles such as â€Å"Abstinence and Abstinence-only Education: A Review of U.S. policiesRead MoreChildren Should Be Not Taught Sex Education974 Words   |  4 Pageschildren should be not taught Sex Education. It’s a vital part of human existence and can prevent a lot of harm. However, the real question is not doing it but from whom is the adolescent hearing it from. It’s been common in the United States since the 1980’s for almost every school to offer some form of Sex education. Even as early as Elementary years. The real debate on the issue is whether or not the school system is doing it properly or even whether or not it’s their job at all. Sex educationRead MoreShould Sex Education Be Taught?1269 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"Teaching only about abstinence is like teaching ‘a driver s education course in which teachers show students grisly photos of traffic accidents but never tell them to stop at red lights or buckle their seat belts’ (Wagle). Sex education is often a hot topic of debate within the States, where high school teens often receive some form of sexual education. However, the quality of this information varies from state to state and even district to district. Although there are many different definitionsRead MoreSex Education Should Be Taught in School2204 Words   |  9 PagesSEX EDUCATION â€Å"If the Liberals law is passed, will sex education in the schools, including elementary grades, include the same portrayals of sexual activity which presently exist in heterosexual instruction? Will there be the same presentation of homosexual activity? Of course there will.†Ã‚   Stockwell Day Sex education, also known as sexuality education or sex and relationshipsRead MoreWhy Sex Education Should Be Taught Essay1247 Words   |  5 Pagesintercourse, 29 percent during anal intercourse and only 4 percent during oral sex.† Why is it that students aren’t protecting themselves against these issues? B. I am a credible source about this information because I am a college student who knows other students sex lives, not just in college but in high school too. II. Body A. Why sex education should be taught in school 1. Sex education should be taught in school for students to learn how to protect themselves against STDs and unwanted

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Unit Four Text Questions Music free essay sample

Describe each type. Madrigal Proper, in this form, the madrigal was through-composed. It used quite a bit of word- painting, which is the matching of music to the words in the text. There also is The Ballet, which is a piece in which dancers tell a story through their movements and the music. Lastly, there is The Are, with Is a form of madrigal that Is performed In a number of different ways, including with or without accompaniment. 2.What were chorales? Why were they popular? Easy to sing melodies, often based on traditional folk songs. They were popular because the printing press allowed for the publishing of hymnbooks. 3. What Is a consort? An Instrumental ensemble consisting of SIX Instruments: flute or recorder, lute, cistern, violin or treble viola De gamma, bandore, and the bass viola De gamma. 4. Who was Gallinule Duffy? What contributions did he make to Renaissance music? A Franco-Flemish composer who was born InBrussels, he was a prolific composer and one of the most Influential of the fifteenth century. We will write a custom essay sample on Unit Four: Text Questions Music or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He wrote music In almost every musical form available at the time, Including chants, motets, chorales, and Masses. 5. Who was William Byrd? What contributions did he make to Renaissance music? An Englishman born in 1543; was one composer ho created consort music. He is sometimes considered one of the first geniuses of the keyboard and many of his compositions were published in My Ladle Unveils Book and Parenting.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Marketing assignment Essay Example

Marketing assignment Essay Hello, my name is Mr Rashidian and I am a marketing director for a new record shop my family is planning in Southgate. I am aiming for the success of this new business and will hopefully reach my target, because my family and I are aware of the risks we are taking as entrepreneurs. I am a young man who has just finished his A-levels and I always take my work and responsibilities seriously.This report shall ensure the success of the record shop for a long period of time. I will produce a marketing strategy to guarantee this plan being a success. It must meet the shops short-term objectives as well as helping it after the initial stages.The benefits of running your own shop are that you are self-employed i.e. you are your own boss. You have your own opening hours and no one to order you around except the family in my case of course. However, there is a great risk of the project failing.On the one hand approx. 50% of all businesses in the UK dont survive even the first two years. I have seen a cafà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ for example called Jacobs Coffee Shop in Enfield Middlesex where I hardly saw a customer, because the prices were too high. The business hoped that customers would prefer a good service rather than a cheap price, which they have offered. This event happened almost six months ago. Now when I go there, I can see a notice saying that the building is to be sent.It is clear that this business was a big failure, because it was not familiar with its market. It did not survive even the first six months.On the other hand being your own boss means being the only one who has to pay the bills after the business fails due to your unlimited liability as a sole trader. Furthermore I am not in control of the external environment. If nobody buys the goods from our business, we are the people who will have to take the consequences. So I will have to do my job very well. But I can rely on the government. The UK is said to have an enterprise culture. That means that the governme nt has many offers to help entrepreneurs like me. E.g. I found in the school book that the government has the Loan Guarantee Scheme. This scheme encourages banks to make loans to business projects like ours, as the government offers to repay 80% of a loan should the entrepreneur be bankrupt and the business unable to pay.A disadvantage, however, would be that a self-employed person has to work about 22 hours more than a normal employee.Should the business be a success though, the amount of effort the entrepreneur will have to put in decreases.Another advantage is the small capital that is needed, because the business is small-scale. But this small-scale nature makes it difficult to expand.The decision making is also quick and very flexible resulting from the small nature of the sole trader.A very important reason why many entrepreneurs choose to be a sole trader is the business being easy to establish; however it is very difficult to continue if the owner dies or retires.A sole trad er is as the name suggests not sharing profits, which can be a great benefit. But because the owner rarely shares the running of the business, responsibilities cannot be easily shared, so that the owner can be under enormous pressure when making decisions. This can also lead to less or no division of labour.Our business will be a partnership as it omits many of the drawbacks of the sole trader.The higher number of owners in a partnership also makes the business more capable of expansion what is an intended objective of our business, when it is successful.There are a number of objectives my family has to accomplish before thinking of expansion though. Business aims are usually stated andor attempted aims of a firm that lead the business to success. These aims should be measurable as such aims can represent the performance of a firm very clearly. The other type of aims is the one that is not able to be measured. These are also handy, but not easy to analyse, so a business might not kn ow when it has achieved them. The directors of a business set themselves objectives, achieve them, and set themselves further objectives. This is called satisficing. Objectives are the short-term aims a business has to achieve to fulfil its aims.For example: If I aim to achieve an A* in a particular subject, my objectives may be doing my homework regularly, producing a good piece of coursework and paying attention to the teacher in class. Our aim is to maintain a healthy and successful business. To achieve that, our objectives would be at first to maintain a steady income of money, as this is the foundation of the business survival. As a short term direction it guarantees the existence of land, labour and capital of the business. It ensures that the business will stay healthy.A long term target would be as above mentioned the expansion of the land. It is likely to provide us with more profit, but it has also some disadvantages, as a bigger land will be harder to manage and more vuln erable to take-overs. Because the more employees a factory has, the more they are able to exert pressure by calling a strike that may lead to deliberate inefficiency of the labour in form of industrial actions. Fortunately, we are far from such worries as a small business.Another very important objective of our business will be to maintain a personal touch with all stakeholders. In particular, the business has to develop a good relationship with customers. This will hopefully produce repeat customers which raise the business revenue.These major objectives will hopefully ensure the success of this new business.Background of this new businessThe new business I am writing this report on will be called Rock n Records. I have chosen this name, because it reminds of the big music category Rock n Roll.Besides, it is a name that is easy to remember and this is actually a huge advantage for any business.The record shop must be familiar to many people and the name of it plays a very important role. Because of that I started a survey on the name of the business. I could not decide between several names. Since teenagers were the most important group that buy music, I decided to carry out the survey on 16 people in my class. Three names were able to be selected. The results were:The result of this survey is the main reason why I chose Rock n Records and not any other name.Another important factor of how well the business performs is the goods and services it supplies people with. As long as we have the right products available for the right price at the right time and place, we will be able to survive. So therefore the business will sell a broad range of music in order to research into the types of products that are mainly bought. Most music articles will not be records, but CDs or DVDs, because records are outdated. Only about 5% of the goods of the shop will be records. Our music range will focus on Hip-Hop, since it is the main music category teenagers listen to. Somebo dy in the record shop will also permanently check the Top 50 of the UK charts and buy singles as well as albums from these artists to sell them in the record shop. The business will also sell some products like pendants for keys that look like famous artists such as 50cent, Akon and James Blunt or clothes with famous stars and their labels on it such as G-Unit, Konvict music or shady records.Another important topic about the business is the logo. I created a flyer that suits young people who are the main customers of the business. I think it will also attract DJs who are the main buyers of records, because it shows an individual that is likely to go to music festivals and is generally interested in music. DJs see this kind of person on many of their working days. The poster is on the next page.Location of the new record shopTo find the location on the map I will have to use I searched for all music shops in and around Southgate to find a location that is far from compe titors, so people around our record shop will rather come to this one than go to a distant music shop:These are other record and music shops.Our business should be far from them.Our record shop will be here. It is far from competition andnext to an underground station as this will attract customers.Besides, it is near a park and residential area. There is apermanent circulation of pedestrians which will look at the notice that is on the window of our record shop. This will attract many customers to visit the record shop.Our exact place in Southgate is here.The address is3 High Street (A1004)SouthgateN14 LondonOur Human Resources and OwnershipFor the time being our labour will consist only of our family. We plan a division of our labour.My father will be the finance director, because he has worked for a bank for years and successfully managed money there. My sister will be the cashier. She is young, friendly and has a good sense of style. She is good at dealing with customers, especi ally teenagers. I will be the marketing director as mentioned early in this report. Since I finished my A-levels in Business studies, it is the right position for me. My mother will take care of the music articles. She was a housewife for a long time and knows how to keep things clean and tidy.Overall our labour is one of the best, because every single worker is a partner and works for hisher own benefit in this business. Thus everyone will be highly motivated. Maslows theory is from my point of view the most appropriate one in terms of motivational theories. According to Maslow our family has already four certain things that worker wants i.e. we have enough money to survive and to feel secure. We are a family so we are in present of each other and we share feelings. As owners of their own business we are also likely to earn a good reputation and maybe even be admired by people whose boss is ordering them around. So the last objective will be self-actualisation. In other words, this is the success of our new project. To achieve this, everybody will hopefully do their best and once this business was a success my family will set further targets for themselves, e.g. the successful expansion of our business. So it is not likely that we, as the labour, which is maybe the most important factor in a business, will lose motivation at any point of the lifetime of our business project.The ownership format of the business will be a partnership, for the reason that my family is fully involved in this project and everybody shall own the same part of ownership. I decided against a limited company, because it needs a secretary that keeps records of the shop and is more complicated to sustain. The business is unable to afford these things in its initial stages. Besides, there are legal formalities which must be carried out before starting the business.Although, a limited company would mean that the business has limited liability, my decision is clear.As a partnership my famil y and I are also more likely to get a loan from a bank rather than a family member being a sole trader to employ hisher family. Another advantage of this ownership format is that its affairs can be kept private except the information that has to be provided for local tax authorities. A limited company though has to produce accountants, which are available to the public.A franchise would not be right, either, because my family and I would feel more like managers that manage the successful idea of the franchiser and making profit with it, rather than being the flexible director of an own idea. Another drawback of a franchise is that you cannot start the business until you have found a franchiser.Before we start the business we will create a deed of partnership which outlines the division of labour, the shares, the aims etc. this is another advantage of a partnership, as a deed of partnership avoids problems with arguments that our family might have.However, a big drawback of a usual p artnership is that every partner can make decisions without consulting other partners. This can lead to problems occurring in the business. Although a wrong decision might be attributable to only one partner, all partners are unlimited liable to the remaining debts of this business. All partners of our business are family members though. As a result no partner should make decisions without the agreement of other partners. So we have a partnership omitting this big drawback. This is the main reason why the ownership format of our record shop will be a partnership.Management Structure of our BusinessIt is essential for every well-performing business to have a good management structure. Therefore somebody will take the job of the personnel director and I think that I would be the right one for this job, although I am already marketing director. I am able to do this for the reason that I will have a narrow span of control and thus not many people to delegate. I will not get a high salar y or perks. My only intentions are to maximise labour efficiency and maintain a good internal communication, which actually is an advantage for me, since I am an owner of this business.To ensure this, I will use the carrot and stick approach. Because we are a family I will not be able to make workers redundant or threat them with these intentions. However, I will still be able to make comments on how well a person performs and advise himher on how to do things better. I will also check if there is a good horizontal link between every director.Now I will explain how I will structure our business. Although it looks like that every important marketing decision is made by me, our organisation is not really centralized. I have thought about another system than centralised or decentralised structures. It is a centralized structure that focuses on every partner, but not in every decision. It depends on the expertise of a partner. The structure focuses always on the one who has the most exp erience in that particular area. In marketing decisions for example the whole structure is centralised on me.I can change everyones decision that is linked up with the business market. But the one whose choice was changed by me has still the right to understand why it happened. If I do something like that I have to explain why. This will prevent inflexibility and low motivation as someone whose opinion was changed without understanding why may become self-conscious in that area, although hisher expertise may be alright for decision making when I am not possible to make the decision.My father has the same right of changing everybodys decision that is linked up with financial decisions, but still owes the one whose decision was changed an explanation. So does my mother and my sister. But this right cannot be exercised on decisions resulting from a consultation exercise.My management type will be a democratic management structure as this kind of management is highly motivating. So we w ill have a meeting from time to time in which we deal with strategic and significant decisions. To avoid undermining the authority of somebody who has more expertise than other partners, I have a special marking scheme. Everyone will receive a mark from 1 to 3 in areas such as product, money, cleaning and hygiene, marketing etc. This mark will represent everyones vote in this particular area when making a decision. I will give everyone the same amount of added up marks to avoid resentment leading to less motivation. Furthermore I will investigate a persons skills and change hisher mark if necessary.If the vote in a meeting showed that only one person whose expertise is great in a particular subject with 3 marks votes against all other family members whose votes all add up to 3 and the election shows no result, than it will be restarted, so nobody can outvote everybody else alone and has to give arguments for hisher decisions. This will be highly motivating and this is a great benefi t for the business, since every owner can learn about other areas. As a manager I have also the responsibility of managing change, since changes will always happen in business. Therefore I will carry out market research on a regular basis in order to know when to change something in the business structure.I will also aim to set good communication between the decisions my family makes and try to persuade someone into changing hisher decision when it got in conflict with the decision of somebody else. I will keep a careful eye on no arguments happening between partners and that informal communication is always kept clear. I will take care of all of these aspects to maximise the efficiency of our business in order to maintain a good internal communication. I can imagine that we are able to become a large business when I take into account that the extremely large Virgin Corporation started as a small record shop just like ours. Marketing Assignment Essay Example Marketing Assignment Essay With Specific reference to the marketing of sports development initiatives, discuss and evaluate the most important components of the marketing mix and consider their relevance to the customer. Once the Organisation or Company has developed its marketing strategy and the Target Market has been identified, it can begin to plan the marketing mix. The marketing mix is one of the dominant ideas in modern marketing. The marketing mix is the combination of four variable controllable tools: (below) * Product * Price We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Assignment specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Assignment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Assignment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer * Place * Promotion (Kotler, 2001) These four tools are known as the 4Ps, the Product is what is offered to the customer, which can be tangible for example; a football pitch, or the product could be intangible for example; a sports development programme. The Place is the location where the product is offered to the customer. It can be either physical location for example; a Football Stadium, or it can be a chain of distribution for example; a sports shop where you buy clothes to take home. The Price is how much the product costs. The price can be varied, depending on how much the customer values the product for example; a top golf course will cost more to be a member due to its reputation and appeal, although the facilities may not be better than a regular course. The Promotion of a product is the communication to the market known as marketing communications. (Roberts, 2001) When marketing sports development initiatives it is important to use the marketing mix so that you are able to provide specifically for your target market. The type of consumer that is your target market very much affects the marketing mix. The consumers socio-economic status is likely to influence their buying behaviour; for example a person who has a low amount of disposable income is unlikely to be able to pay for a Snowboarding Trip to Canada. Also the type of product affects the marketing mix, whether it is tangible or intangible this will obviously affect how you present your product. There are several factors which affect how a product marketed. When promoting your sports development initiative or programme, it is essential to use the most effective marketing communications to reach your target market effectively. There are several types of marketing communication such as Advertising, Personal Selling, Sales Promotion, PR Publicity and Direct Marketing (Kotler, 1997). Businesses/organisations need to make people aware of the product or service therefore the Promotion needs to be effective by being appealing informative. To reach a target audience which might be geographically dispersed. Many sports development initiatives are aimed at specific target audiences e.g. Young, Elderly. It is important when marketing that effective market research is conducted so that the identification of suitable market targets can be made. Within this you may have to consider market segmentation, where concentrating the marketing plan to recruit/attract from a specific demographic component of consumer. For example: any initiatives aimed at young people would have to be accessible so they may have to be stage/held locally within communities, or in school holidays, after school etc. To remind existing customers about the service. Certain advertisements may be created to make customers repurchase the service as much as they are to attract new customers. (Butler, 2000) The price is very important to the consumer because it is how much they will have to exchange for the product. There are internal and external factors, which affect pricing decisions: Internal External Marketing objectives Nature of the market and demand Marketing mix strategy Competition Costs Other environmental factors (economy etc) Organisation for pricing (Kotler, 2001) Therefore it is essential to gain the desired target market through the price of the product, you will want to price the product as realistically as possible so the consumer will feel value for money. Different pricing strategies will be suited to certain products, i.e. higher prices for designers, or new products may have a lower trial price etc. Its important to pitch the price with the type of product, so a posh like a Perfume product should not be cheap, it should be more expensive; so it will make consumers appeal to it. Also competitive pricing is very important, so knowledge of opposition is needed, i.e. a Soccer School organised by a School on the same day as a Professional Club may need to lower its price in order to attract consumers, as the Professional Club will be expensive but will appeal more. The place where the product will be traded, or where the product will meet the consumer. This is important that it meets the target market, as the location of the consumer will affect the how far the product can be distributed. For example, a Junior Soccer School in Cardiff Schools would be targeted at local children, so it will be marketed locally within the city, not elsewhere. The accessibility of the product or service will say much about how suitable the location of the product is, for example is there public transport available? Is the Soccer School set in a large residential estate? therefore within walking distance for the target market. So the marketing mix is effective way of aiding the selling of a product or service. Many sports development initiatives are developed by a governing body or association, but then localised and delivered through Counties, Schools and Clubs. Mini-Soccer Is an example of a Sports Development initiative, which below describes how the components of the marketing mix (product, promotion, price and place) are important, with the relevance of the consumer mind. The product: Mini-Soccer is a Football development initiative started in 1999 aimed at developing young players under the age of 10. The initiative is organised by the Football Association through local F.As, where each F.A has a Mini-Soccer co-ordinator who is key to including all the agencies. Mini-Soccer takes place in Schools, Clubs, Festivals, and Mini-Soccer Festivals. There are many Mini-Soccer programmes available, and each club or school who takes part in Mini-Soccer must provide the equipment and pitches. The number of programmes available make accessibility easier for the consumer, so that children can take part in Mini-Soccer through the Primary school or at their local Football club. There are several quality issues such as the safe environment in which Mini-Soccer takes place, with fun and enjoyment in mind. The specifications of the equipment and pitches are standardised, and the principles and rules of Mini-Soccer are modified from the 110a0side game and are similar to those in Association Football, except that there are smaller goals and pitches, and fewer players on each team. There is a code of practice for children and parents which ensures the safety, and suitability of the environment. This makes Mini-Soccer appealing, as it is a different approach to playing Football, designed for younger people. As it is designed for young people there are many benefits, such as more touches of the ball to increase participation and enjoyment, fewer players on the pitch meaning simpler decisions and better understanding, smaller pitches meaning greater concentration ; interest among participants, and more individual success leads to more children playing, In the long term, this leads to sustained participation levels beyond this age group. Mini-Soccer is suitable for any boy or girl regardless of their ability, and the main aims of Mini-Soccer programmes are for children to: * Feel Success * Take an active part in the game * Understand the laws * Develop soccer skills * Be able to take part whatever their ability * Develop fitness The branding of Mini-Soccer is through the equipment known as the Big Red Bag, which contains the goals and pitch equipment for Mini-Soccer. Coca-Cola endorses the Goals, which is probably the largest drinks company in the world. Therefore it will be noticed by consumers and will be purchased. The Mini-Soccer scheme was developed and organised by the F.A, which is the national governing body for Football and so consumers will notice, and rely on this scheme to develop. The packaging of the product ensures easy storage and transportation. The promoting of Mini-Soccer is via the F.A, where publications detail information about Mini-Soccer and how to get involved. There is information on the F.A website and F.A Publications, which advertise Mini-Soccer as an initiative throughout England. Local F.As, clubs and schools promote the Mini-Soccer competitions and matches, by joining structured leagues and advertising competitions. There are various promotions such as tournaments and festivals, which must be affiliated to the local F.A. Personal selling will be needed by the tournament/festival stager to invite each club or team. This will be achieved via written invitation, phone or email. The stager of Mini-Soccer will need to use marketing communications effectively to attract teams to the tournament/festival, so simply a phone call or letter will attract the local teams. The Internet would be pointless unless trying to attract from a wider scale, this would be more appropriate for a national tournament or festival. The pricing of Mini-Soccer is varied, as there is no fixed price. Tournament/festival entry fees are common. To cover the cost of officials and pitch hire, pay-to-play fees for players are necessary to break even or make a small profit. The only fixed price is the Big Red Bag, which contains the equipment for Mini-Soccer that costs à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½200. You need to be able place to play Mini-Soccer, so unless the club or school has their own pitch, they will have to hire a pitch. The place where Mini-Soccer takes place will obviously be on a pitch, grass or synthetic. The type of competition will determine where participants are recruited from, for example a structured league will simply consist of one fixture, a tournament may consist of a number of teams from a local, regional or national scope. The marketing strategy will determine this, so if a tournament consists of local teams then basic communication will be needed to recruit teams. Whether as if the tournament is regional or national it may be larger in size and require more teams, so advertising on the Internet or through National Press would be an effective way of recruiting. This will allow teams across the country to enter the tournament, if the details are posted on the F.A Website for example ( accessed on 25/4/2004) Dragon Sports is initiative from the sports council for Wales which is designed to off 7-11 year olds fun and enjoyable sporting opportunities. 7 sports are available including Rugby, Soccer, athletics, Tennis, Netball, Hockey and Cricket. Each are modified to suit the players age, size, ability, skill level and experience. The scheme is delivered in partnership with the 1700 or so primary schools in Wales. The Dragon sports scheme is national, and incorporates the national flag the dragon, into branding (its name and logo), therefore making it appealing to the Welsh children. The Dragon Sports programmes can be easily delivered by volunteers, supported by a comprehensive range of resource cards and equipment to help deliver Dragon Sports sessions, with further resource materials for the recruitment and training of volunteer parents, coaches and teachers. All resources are also compatible with the National Curriculum so therefore can be used within Physical Education in Schools. Dragon Sports is promoted by the Sports Council for Wales, but also individually through various schemes throughout the country. Various marketing communications are used mainly posters, and the easy to use website which is appealing and informative. Promotions within Dragon Sports are ongoing, particularly the summer Dragon Sports. There are numerous places including the 1700 Primary Schools across Wales where Dragon Sports takes place, as it is a national scheme. Other locations of Dragons Sports are youth clubs, sports clubs and within communities. Transportation is arranged separately within local areas. There is no pricing strategy for Dragon Sports, as the aim is to increase participation and raise standards. Dragon Sports are funded by the Sports Council for Wales, who pay for the facilities and services, which are used. Marketing Assignment Essay Example Marketing Assignment Essay Executive Summary Marketing segmentation is considered as one of the main elements of marketing, and one that is significant and appropriate to the Internet Technology and Glasses industries. Yet, with literature reviews, there are few studies of segmentation evident, and the segmentation of consumers markets for Google Glass is an issue to be addressed. Indeed, this has only becoming relevant lately with changes in the technology environment. This report is presenting the finding of a segmentation study into the market for Google Glass in Australia, the market that is still at a relatively stage in its placement. The study utilize lifestyle group and occupations segmentations, which are often referred to the most significant form of segmentation, and identifies four different market segments. The recommendations for the Google Glass are as follows: A website is a useful tool as it is a tool where consumers can easily access information about the products. For Google Glass, an excellent idea would be to hold a lucky draw or discount for the next purchase of the Google Glass. Virtual store is also convenient for buyers as well. Google Glass should have an online virtual store in order to increase sales. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Assignment specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Assignment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Assignment specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Google Glass should find a way to make the product look different among other products. For instance, Google Glass could sell with an engrave letter beside the glasses. It looks cool and buyers can have the glasses individually. This will not only attract buyers and also consumers feel that getting something extra. To make Google Glass attract the consumers, the display the Google Glass is on the shelf is important. It has to be appealing and able to catch buyers eyes. The color Of the Google Glass must be stand out and customers will look at it. Table of Contents Title Page Executive Summary 1 Table of Contents 2 . 0 Introduction 3 1. Airing 1. 3 scope 3 2. Background Information 3. Literature Reviews 4 3. 1 Segmenting cosmetic procedures markets using lifestyles segmentation by Jennifer Press (2010) 4 3. 2 International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research by Kettle p, Boston S (2009). 5 3. 3 Market segmentation: A Tool for improving Customer Satisfaction and Retention in Insurance Delivery by Fests M Pitchmen 5 4. 0 Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning strategy (STEP).. 64. 2 Targeting 8 4. 3 Positioning 8 . 0 Ranking order 9 6. 0 Target Market One 10 7. Target Market Two 1 0 8. 0 Marketing strategy for Google Glass 1 1 8. 1 Concentrate Marketing 12 9. Positioning 13 9. 1 Positioning Statement 14 10. 0 Conclusion 15 Appendix A 16 References. 16 1. Introduction To understand consumers preference, choice, and buying behavior progress over the time is the Kemp and heart of strategic marketing. Marketers are hardly to satisfy every consumer in a market as it needs pre exists marketers. Through this report, the segmentation, targeting, positioning strategies for the Google Class to potential Google consumers. Also Google Glass is a new product categories entry as well. See appendix A) The main segmentation might used in consumer market which are geographic, demographic, cryptographic and behavioral variables. 1. 2 Aims The objective is provided a marketing strategy framework that ties all this together with a powerful marketing logic. A marketing plan shows how the marketing elements fit together to provide direction and action for growing a business. 1. 3 Scope This report will examine how to promote a new product in the market. In order to promote the product, a company should have a marketing plan which is called Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning plan. (STEP) 2. Background of the product Google Glass is a handy-computer with a head-mounted display (HEM) that is actually developed by Google. Google Glass is an attempt to free data from computers and portable devices like phone and tablets, and place it right in front of your eyes. Basically, Google Glass is considered a camera , display, touched, battery and microphone built into spectacle frame so that consumers can display in individually field of vision, film, take photos, search and online searching. Currently, there are no lenses to fit with the frames; Google is considering joining with sunglass traders. . Literature Review Jennifer Press (2010) According to Jean infer Press focus on lifestyles segmentation which is type of behavioral segmentation and it relies on the assumption that the perceived benefits of a product or service are the main reason that the consumer will choose one product or service over another and that market segments exist because of different lifestyles by the consumer. After the establishment of lifestyles segments, second order segmentation can be set up, whereby the demographic characteristics of the different segments can be analyses. However, the analysis can also involve other related segment bases and does not need to be focused only on demographic characteristics. An analysis containing many methods of segmentation will be the most through, as suggested by Urban and Hauser (2009), and will contribute to a more thorough understanding of how each segment can be targeted. The more information about consumers media consumption and motivations for purchasing can be a direct influence on how to plan a product, how to position it and how to communicate through advertising. Therefore, a main consideration markets must take into account s how to properly segment an emerging market such as that for the new Google Glass. 3. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research by Kettle P, Boston S (2009) In Tourism industry, market segmentation is implemented broadly. Benefit segmentation is a very influential for lifestyles grouping consumers (Kettle and Turner 1993). It has been developed that because different segments of buyers may need different benefits from using a particular product. Moreover, Haley (2008) stated that the benefits people seek are the basic reason for the existence of true market segments. Indeed, benefit segmentation is shown to predict actions better than geographical and demographical segmentation Haley (2008). 3. 3 Market segmentation: A Tool for improving Customer Satisfaction and Retention in Insurance Delivery by Fests M Pitchmen Market segmentation relates to have similar needs and purchasing behavior of customers into segments, each one can be achieved by different marketing programs. Trying to reconcile the needs of different customers and the concept of limited resources of the company, and allows the product and marketing products to adjust to meet different customer groups (Wind, 1978). Market segmentation theory is grounded from the theory Of economic pricing, which indicates that when the profit- maximizing price discrimination section settings (Frank et al, 1972). According to Kettle (1 994), all industries increasingly embracing target marketing. This is the second mass marketing a natural process, a product of the production and sale of multiple products with different features, style and features all buyers and product differentiation marketing Offer the production of a variety of buyers. The goal of the essence of marketing is tremendous customers in their buying needs and behavior; these companies will be in a better position to serve certain customer base. As a result, in order to attract buyers, financial institutions should identify those areas to serve effectively. This requires a careful analysis of the structure of the industry, as well as the relationship between customer satisfaction and return on investment, as well as to assess the organizations capabilities and resources (Doyle, 1995) 4. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning strategy (STEP) 4. 1 Segmentation 4. 1. 1 Marketing segmentation involves separating a market into smaller segment of consumers with different behaviors, necessitate, and personality that might require separate marketing strategies and mixes. In segmenting consumer markets, Hudson (2008) pointed out that there are four different categories which are geographic, demographic, cryptographic and behavioral variables. Basis of market segmentation a. Demographical Gender There are men and women have different kind of preferences and interest. A product that men would purchase meant for women and vice a versa. The segmentation of the market as the gender is important in many industries eke footwear, car, and cosmetics. Income There are three categories Of income according Of their monthly income: 1 . High income group 2. Medium income group 3. Low income group Channel, Barberry and Tiffany are target on high level income, and Valley girl, Jay Jay and T met are target on lower income segment. Occupation There would have different needs compare to college student or office workers. B. Cryptographic The lifestyle of individual is one of the basic of segmentation. The individual interest, attitude can help marketers to allocate into small group. C. Geographical The classification of market into different type geographic areas refers to geographical segmentation . Similar strategies cant target at different places. . Behavioral Behavioral segmentation is based on consumers buying behavior on particular product and users indicating the potential buyers or new users. In segmenting the market, Google Glass needs to consider the effectiveness of the segmentation. The requirements of an effective segmentation (Kettle, 2003) are as follows: Measurable the market segment would help Google Glass in the potential market, consumers buying power, and the Google Glass sources allocation. For example: different level of income can be determined whether buyers are able to buy the product. Accessible to be effectively, the segment has to be served wisely. For instance: lifestyles group segment would be target as night lifestyle group who likes to have perfume on. Substantial this segment have to large segment and profitable to serve. A car manufacture designs a car whose height is more than 200 centimeters. Differentiable In order to distinguishable and gives respond differently to different marketing mix elements. Actionable -? to be an effectively program, t must be planned for serving and attracting the segments. For example, for those people who are followers of technology, those people will buy the Google Glass for sure. 4. 2 Targeting 4. 2. Companies are interested in targeting particular buyers segments in advertising as they think it enables to speak potential consumers better, to sell more effectively, and to maximize profitability. The marketing theory describes that businesses profit from targeting specific consumer segments in advertising. However, the excessive targeting can lead to unfavorable results. 4. 3 positioning 4. 3. The objective of positioning is to create a unique and good impression image to public. Baht (2008) A product position is important that defined by consumers on attributes and how the product to be place in consumers minds. (Ferret, 2007) Positioning is developed a specific marketing mix to influence potential consumers overall perception of a brand, product line, or organization in general. Lamb, Hair,Marinade (2004) In a nutshell, the position of a product is very important as it related to consumers perceptions of a product quality relative to the attributes of competitive products. Consumers are always purchase large number of goods every day. In order to avoid persistent re-evaluation of several products, consumers are tending to group or position products in the minds to make a quick decision. Rather than let buyers to position product individually, marketers must try to encourage and shape buyers perceptions of different products. 5. 0 Ranking order Table 1. 1 Market segmentation variables for consumer markets 1 Variable Typical breakdowns Cryptographic epistyles, Value and Attitudes Visible Achievement, Look at me, Something better Social class ABA, B, BC,c Personality Ambitious, Compulsive, Introvert, Extrovert 2 Demographical Age under 15, 44- 52 Female, Male Income under $10000; $10000 $20,000; $20,001 $30,000 Coco patio n Professional, Managers, Sales, Retired, students, administration 3 Region Far North Queensland, South-eastern Queensland, Western New South Wales City Size under 7000; 7000- 10000, 10000-40000 Climate Eastern, Southern, Northern 4 Behavioral Purchase Occasion Regular occasion, special occasion Online Behavior Buying behavior, information sharing Benefit Sought Quality, service, economy Loyalty Status Low, Medium, Strong Table 1. Signed by Connie Seas 6. Target Market One 6. 1 Lifestyle Groupings Joey Winner (2010) notes that the influence of peoples lifestyles on the services and goods and consumers that they bought. In order to increase market segments, marketers are targeting consumers lifestyles. To target on people who have the attitudes like look at me, they will feel proud and they thought they are so special and they can afford to buy luxury good like Google Glass, and even Pad, phone and etc. 7. Target Market -row 7. Occupation According to Kettle (2006) different kind of occupation is easy to target on as instruction workers, medical staffs or repairmen can all have the benefits from Google Glass. For instance, one of the features of the glasses is the camera, the camera will be able to capture the video and send it back to the main office, or simply save it locally. Clients can then see the work performance through the glasses. Apart from that, the police officers can also discover many of the elements in a hand-free display that very useful. The address will show in the glasses if there is an important message or emergency. 8. 0 Marketing strategy for Google Glass 8. 1 Concentrated Marketing In order to apply concentrated marketing (also called niche marketing), Google Glass is decided go after a large share of a few sub-markets according to Australian Bureaus of statistics data (see appendix A). According to Susan Ward in About . Com, A niche market can be defined as a focused, treatable portion of a market. It is also defined that a business is focused on a niche market is addressing a need for a product that is not addressed by ordinary providers, therefore Google Glass decides to target on specific group of people needs. Google Glass will base on a lifestyles group segmentation base n consumer markets as it has concentrated on lifestyles particularly the business class people those who are working at the office and need to have meeting with clients and wanted to have a sense of fashionable to represent company reputation. In additional, Google is also such of well known brand, therefore for those people into trend who is called followers will buy the products. No matter how expensive is it and consumers even do not bother the products features. Private labeling is one the strategy to target on people who is socially aware as for those people who always have to socialism with linens and need to keep updating clients information therefore Google Glass is suitable and convenient for them to have a quick check. According to an article by (Stanley 2005), some of the advantages of a private labeling strategy are as following: Create an opportunity to look exceptional than other products Customers sales increase Increase consumers loyalty Easy to control at pricing As Google Glass has a best feature called navigation and it can speak an address, find the location. Apart from that, Google Glass is a 5-megalith unit capable of recording IPPP video. This is also an extra feature for Google Glass s well. ( engaged 1 SST May 201 3) therefore, the advantages above are suitable for active people or even introvert people. Apart from that, for those people who like to spend money on expensive good, because they will have the feeling called visible achievement. Even though the product is not suitable for them, they still want to buy it. 9. Positioning Google Glass can position based on specific product attributes. The positioning strategies can also based on the needs they fill or the benefits they offer. The positioning strategies for Google Glass are to lower the price ND position Google Glass for certain classes of users. In order to gain competitive advantage, the image differentiation can be an advantage for Google Glass as Google is a famous brand if compare to VIXEN MI 00. If come to a similar product, buyers would take this consideration into account. Even though those positioning method that are suitable for Google Glass, however, there is also competitor in the market which is called VIZIER M 100, a product is similar to Google Glass. In addition, Google Glass also can advertise on television that let people know that product. As a result, everyone might insider to buy the product and consumers will tell other friends about the product as well. There is always a product life cycle for a product, Google Glass is not exceptional. Once the Google Glass launch into the market, it will go through four different stages of a product life cycle which is introduction, growth, maturity and decline. (See appendix A) 9. 1 Positioning Statement High Price I pad Google Glass GAPS Navigator Smartness poor Quality Good Quality Low Price Table 2. 1 created by Connie Seas 10. Conclusion In a nutshell, based on the case study and other journals, in order to have a successful developed of a new product into a market segment needs to give the product its own identity in the market. Therefore, first segmentation of the market has to be made, then chose the target segment and finally developing positioning strategy of the product. Referring to Google Glass, its segmentation needs to be covered in several different criteria. The consumers of the Google Glass are lifestyle group and occupations who are constructors or police workers and also for those buyers who are follow technology trend that was looking something better that would buy the reduce. However, some critical changes are going in the future due to the similar products release in the future as well. Therefore, the recommendations for Google Glass to increase the sales and keep the customers in the market are as follows: In order to increase the Google Glass sales, the ups is one Of the ways and also maybe the best way to help Google Glass to sell the product effectively, and it was first developed by EX McCarthy in 1960. The ups are: Product Google Glass might be able to do online marketing for online buyers and for those people are always stay home. It is such easily for online users and this will increase the sales. Price One of the items of price setting which is called discount. Discounts are usually given when customers would pay off at once. Therefore, this payment method would be suitable for Google Glass. Promotion Words of mouth is one of the way to promote Google Glass, consumers will spread the news to other buyers if the product is good. Therefore, Google Glass try to avoid advertise the product on television.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Why is Leonardo da Vinci considered a Renaissance man Essay Example For Students

Why is Leonardo da Vinci considered a Renaissance man? Essay A man who has broad intellectual interests and is accomplished in areas of both the arts and the sciences. That is the definition of a Renaissance man. Leonardo ability to observe and study, then demonstrate those things in his art, makes him a perfect example of a renaissance man. Leonardo Ad Vinci was one of the greatest inventors. He was also one of the most famous scientists of recorded history. His genius was limited by time and technology, and was driven by his curiosity, and his instinctive sense of the laws of nature. We will write a custom essay on Why is Leonardo da Vinci considered a Renaissance man? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Ad Vinci was dedicated to discovery of truth and the mysteries of nature, and his contributions to science and technology were legendary. As the classic Renaissance man, Leonardo helped set a curious and superstitious world on the means of reason, science, learning, and tolerance. In his time, he was an internationally famous inventor, scientist, engineer, architect, painter, sculptor, musician, mathematician, anatomist, astronomer, geologist, biologist, and philosopher. In an era when left-handedness was considered the devils work and lefties were often forced to use their right hand, Leonardo actually used his left hand. People say that this difference was an element of his genius, since his mind allowed him to see beyond the ordinary. He even wrote backwards, and his writings are easily deciphered only with a mirror. Between 1490 and 1495 he developed his habit of recording his studies in illustrated notebooks. His work covered four main themes: painting, architecture, the elements of mechanics, and human anatomy. All one hundred twenty of his notebooks were written backwards. Today, Bill Gates is known o have bought one of his notebooks for thirty million dollars. Born in 1452, as an illegitimate son of Seer Pier Ad Vinci, Leonardo was sent to Florence in his teens to apprentice as a painter under Andrea del Veronica. He quickly developed his own artistic style which was unique and contrary to tradition. He even went so far as to make his own special formula of paint. Leonardo went beyond his teachings by making a scientific study of light and shadow in nature. The thought that objects were not comprised of outlines, but were actually three- dimensional bodies defined by light and shadow. Known as chiaroscuro, this technique gave his paintings the soft, lifelike quality that made older paintings look cartoons and flat. He also saw that an objects detail and color changed as it went father and closer in the distance. This technique was called suffuse. His study of nature and anatomy emerged in his realistic paintings, and his dissections of the human body made him famous for remarkably accurate figures. He was the first artist to study the physical proportions of men, women and children and to use these studies to determine the ideal human figure. Leonardo was also a bought caged animals at the market Just to set them free. Later Ad Vinci became the court artist for the duke of Milan. Throughout his life he also served various other roles, including civil engineer and architect (designing mechanical structures such as bridges and aqueducts), and military planner and weapons designer (designing tanks, catapults, machine guns, and naval weapons) Leonardo hated war, he called it beastly madness ,but since Renaissance Italy was constantly at war he couldnt avoid it. He designed numerous weapons, including sessile, multi-barreled machine guns, grenades, mortars, and even a modern-style tank. He drew the line, however, with his plans for an underwater breathing device, which he refused to reveal, saying that men would likely use it for evil in war. Leonardo ad Vinci had many innovative designs, scientific accomplishments, and artistic masterpieces. .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832 , .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832 .postImageUrl , .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832 , .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832:hover , .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832:visited , .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832:active { border:0!important; } .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832:active , .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832 .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u04a75b91cce9fd45d56809fe86bf7832:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Renaissance Artists And Their Famous Contributions Essay PaperSome of his innovative designs include: flying machines, parachutes, submarines, underwater breathing devices, self floatation/ocean rescue devices, swimming fins, pumping mechanisms, water turbines, dredging systems, team calorimeters, water-well drill, swing bridges, canals, leveling/surveying instruments, cranes, pulley systems, street-lighting systems, convection roasting spit, mechanical saw, treadle-operated lathe, compasses, contact lenses, and military weapons. Some of his famous scientific accomplishments include: proposing the earth rotates around the sun, proposing that the moons light is reflected sunlight, correctly explaining why sea shells are sometimes found miles inland on mountain tops, and creating the first textbook of human anatomy. And finally some of his great artistic masterpieces include: The Baptism of Christ, The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, and The Adoration of the Three Kings. Leonardo died on May 2, 1519 at the age of sixty seven. Legend has it that King Francis was at his side when he died, cradling Leonardo head in his arms. Ad Vines creative, analytic, and visionary inventiveness has yet to be matched. Leonardo work made a lot of reason and it expressed the capabilities of the individual human mind. Leonardo ad Vinci is the perfect example of a renaissance man.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Medical Informatics in the Management of Diabetes Essay Example

Medical Informatics in the Management of Diabetes Essay Example Medical Informatics in the Management of Diabetes Paper Medical Informatics in the Management of Diabetes Paper Studies showed that the cost for quality health care increases but it is becoming inefficient when it comes to delivering service. One of the reasons for this is the cost of recordkeeping, a major component in health care. The Health Information Technology (HIT) was introduced for accurate processing of reports and to keep track of the programs and needs of the health care consumers. It will tackle problems posed by cost, access and quality. It refers to computer hardware and software that stores, retrieves and shares health care information for use by health care providers and consumers in decision making. HIT has many benefits in store for the health care system. Health care consumers will be assured that they can get the best medical goods and services from health care systems. They can cut costs while at the same time receiving the best health care there is. Diseases will also be prevented in their early stages. Storing patient medical records electronically allows for improved accuracy and privacy of records. It is easier to track individual records when needed and the health care providers can input or change data easier and faster. Besides being cost effective, storing records electronically helps doctors in making quicker and better informed decisions. The patients will also be assured that their medical records and in good hands. But this form of keeping records may be inefficient at times. A provider might input data on the wrong record. Electronic medical records are not protected, and this leads to a more serious problem. The biggest problem that seems to arise from this is on privacy. With a click of the mouse, it is easier to look into someone’s personal health information and it can be passed around without the patient knowing it. This would make many patients vulnerable especially when their records are used for purposes other than medical. REFERENCE Sennet, Cary and Daniel Wolfson. (2006). Taming Health Care Inefficiency. Diabetes is a serious medical condition characterized by the inability of the body to regulate glucose levels in the blood. In Type 1, which is usually childhood onset, the pancreas does not produce insulin, a hormone that is necessary for cells to absorb glucose and utilize it for metabolism. In the more common and usually adult onset Type 2, the body produces insulin but at insufficient levels or cells in the body have a reduced sensitivity to the hormone, hence unable to absorb insulin (American Diabetes Association, 2008). The high glucose levels or hyperglycemia in diabetics is the primary cause for life threatening complications which include heart disease, kidney failure, nerve damage, damage to blood vessels, necrosis in the extremities resulting in amputation, stroke, ketoacidosis leading to diabetic coma and prolonged emptying of gastric contents (American Diabetes Association, 2008). Diabetes also significantly increases the risks to developing glaucoma, cataracts and if unmanaged, eventually leads to blindness. The treatment for diabetes is a complex process which involves resolving the high blood glucose levels, preventing minor complications from becoming full blown, managing symptoms and major complications as well as instituting appropriate lifestyle changes. Medications and insulin shots, regular retinopathy and urine ketone tests, continuous blood glucose monitoring, diet and exercise and proper foot care are some of the treatment methods (Schaffer, 2008). Because there is currently no cure for the disease and treatment is both rigorous and long term, diabetics need to learn self-monitoring skills for ketones and blood glucose levels, self-administration of insulin and medications, how to buy and store diabetes supplies as well as weight and nutrition management in order to avert emergency conditions (Schaffer, 2008). When serious complications arise, these are usually treated through intensive medications, surgery and kidney transplants in the event of irreversible kidney damage. Current Equipment Used by Diabetics There are classes of equipment that are currently being used by diabetics and their caregivers in treating the disease. Bio signals, biomedical devices, insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitoring devices, insulin pens and pumps, retinopathy screening machines, blood glucose monitors, lancets and lancing devices are such equipment where most can be used in the home setting and limit the need for daily visits to the health care facility while providing effective treatment. Insulin pumps, such as the MiniMed Paradigm ® 722, are devices consisting of a computer, a pump with insulin supply and a catheter inserted into the abdominal fat of a diabetic (Hurd, 2007). They are meant to replace individual insulin shots and allow greater control over insulin dosage to fit one’s activity, food intake and glucose levels. Dosage information is entered into the computer which pumps the exact amount through the catheter. Insulin pens, like the HumaPen ® LUXURAâ„ ¢ HD, are used to self-administer insulin and have pre-filled cartridges of up to 300 units, a needle at one end, a plunger at the other and look like pen markers (Douglass, 2008). Indicators in the pen provide information as to the range of doses that can be administered, amount of insulin left, the date/time/dosages of insulin taken recently or how to fix wrong dosage instructions. The MiniMed Paradigm ® REAL-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring System is a small device composed of glucose sensors, a transmitter, an alarm and a small computer that are continually attached to the abdomen (Minimed. com, 2008). The sensors transmit a blood glucose measurement per minute that transmitted and displayed on the computer screen as well as mean measurements per 5 minutes, glucose level trends and their direction. Abnormal glucose levels trigger the alarm. Blood glucose monitors may either come as blood glucose meters such as PocketChem EZ or chemical test strips which are visually compared to a color chart to obtain a reading. Glucose meters require a test strip and a lancet. A drop of blood is smeared on the strip to be fed into the meter which supplies a measurement (Douglass, 2008). PocketChem EZ can store more than 200 downloadable test results with time and dates indicated. A lancet is a metal with a needle like end used to prick the finger or alternative sites in the body to obtain minute amounts of blood for testing and are held in lancing devices to facilitate usage. An example is the Vitalcare Lancet Device which looks like a pen and uses Vitalcare lancets or other standard lancets (Douglass, 2008). The sterile lancet is placed in a holder inside the pen and slight pressure directed at the trigger will release it. A digital retinal camera such as the Canon CF-1 is used for retinopathy or diabetic eye disorder screening. After eye drops are applied to enlarge the patient’s pupils, high resolution diagnostic images of the posterior portion of the eyes are obtained for analysis (Canon. com, 2008). The CF-1 comes with a Retinal Imaging Control Software and conforms to the Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine interface allowing images to be integrated into other image management systems as well as allows the device to connect to various network configurations (Canon. com, 2008). Biosignals are any measurable electrical and non-electrical signals in the human body while biomedical devices entail the use of living organisms and their processes in the treatment of disease (Singh, 2006). An application with regards to diabetes is the technique of attaching a pouch which contains transplanted insulin-producing cells into large veins where they can proliferate and yield much needed insulin (Kanaujia, 2007). Modern Technologies Used in the Treatment of Diabetes With the wealth of data that a diabetic has to contend with in dealing with his/her condition, organizational tools are necessary in order to generate accurate, useful and timely information for a more efficient and effective self-management of the disease in coordination with her health care team. For instance, the diabetic has to acquire information regarding the anticipated effects of foods she plans to eat or activities she wants to engage in on her glucose levels. The diabetic then has to calculate the dosage of insulin that she should receive and when. She may have other medications that have their own dosage instructions. She also has regular schedules for urine tests and retinal screening. She has to keep tabs of her supply of insulin, lancets and test strips. She has to regularly monitor her glucose levels, vitals signs and her weight. She has to adhere to physician recommended foot care and other treatments. Advances in the field of medical informatics has allowed for the integrated use of information, communication and medical technologies in managing patient data and has enhanced many other facets of health care. However, medical informatics does not only benefit the health care team but also individual patients such as diabetics. The diffusion of technology allowed systems and devices to be adapted and manufactured for patient use. A set of managerial tools that collectively work to enable a much simpler but more precise diabetes self-management is the Diabetes Pilotâ„ ¢. It is a software designed and tested by diabetics to replace the conventional method of manually writing down data onto paper and has three versions – the Diabetes Pilot Desktop, the Diabetes Pilot for Palm Handhelds and the Diabetes Pilot for Pocket PC (diabetespilot. com, 2007). The Diabetes Pilotâ„ ¢ enables patients to log various data such as their glucose level readings, compliance with their insulin and other drug regimens, meals taken per day, fitness workouts accomplished, blood pressure measurements, results of routine tests as well as other pertinent information into reports (diabetespilot. com, 2007). The Medication Totals report, Exercise Totals report and the Blood Pressure List report are examples of listings of different data categories. The software also provides a database containing information on the nutritive values of thousands of foods and through the Meal Listing and Daily Food Summary reports, aids the diabetic in determining the amount of carbohydrates, calories, fats, proteins, fiber, sodium, cholesterol, vitamins and other minerals they obtained from individual meals or from all meals taken during the day (diabetespilot. com, 2007). This provides for an effective way of establishing and maintaining a diet suitable for the diabetic. Like the MiniMed Paradigm ® REAL-Time Continuous Glucose Monitoring System, the Diabetes Pilotâ„ ¢ also features tabular or graphical representations of blood glucose level pattern in order for the diabetic to easily perceive the direction of such patterns and adjust her insulin dosages or medications accordingly. Mean measurements by hour, by day or by month can also be calculated as well as the highest and lowest readings taken. Options regarding what system the diabetic wishes to use to categorize data are also available and aimed at establishing significant trends in self care over a period of time. Because the Diabetes Pilotâ„ ¢ is not meant to replace physician care entirely with self-care, all records made by the diabetic can be communicated to her health care team for evaluation and further recommendations using a variety of methods. A similar product but only applicable to Palm PDA is the Universal Tracking System (UTS) Diabetes Palm PDA software. Among its features, data can be transformed into MS Excel format and has an E-mail Report application so that the patient can send the file to her physician (Universal Tracking System, 2007). Automatic calculation of insulin dosage based on glucose measurement is also accomplished. Aside from allowing data entry, the UTS can turn out a summary of the reports and interactive graphical representation of data which will enhance patient and physician decision making with regards to dosage adjustments. Color coding also effectively indicates if the glucose level is normal, high or low and in mg/dL or mmol/L units (Universal Tracking System, 2007). A similar database of food but also includes medications and insulin types is further provided. Medical Informatics’ Areas of Interest in the Treatment of Diabetes The largely fragmented health care system allows for many weaknesses with regards to caring for diabetic patients in that efforts are largely centered on acute conditions and serious complications rather than on chronic disease management. This poses significant challenges even for those in the area of medical informatics. In response, successful efforts have been made to develop a diabetes registry population management application aimed at integrating the chronic disease registry (an informatics system) into the clinical workflow (Zai et. al. , 2008). In terms of decision support, efforts have also been made in developing a model system for classifying knowledge in the area of insulin regimen specifications and dose adjustment in consideration of such factors as diabetes type, patient age, current treatment, glucose profile, physical activity, food intake and desirable blood glucose control Gogou et. al. , 2001). When a physician makes a decision, he relies on practice, intuition and knowledge. However, a knowledge classification system will enhance and standardize decision-making. With available organizational tool devices for diabetic patients, the need to integrate patient derived data into her medical records in the hospital’s EMR system is imminent. One such project is the Informatics for Diabetes Education and Telemedicine (IDEATel). Patients are equipped with a specialized computer called the Home Telemedicine Unit (HTU) with the following: 1. a video camera and microphone for videoconferencing with physicians, 2. a home glucose monitoring device which directly uploads readings, 3. accessibility of the patients’ self-derived medical data, and 4. patient access to educational websites (Starren, et. al. , 2006). With regards to diagnosing diabetic retinopathy via digital retinal cameras, the accuracy of human visual analysis can be increased with the aid of computers. The presence of fluids in the macular region of the eye is a major indicator of retinopathy and its detection is a significant diagnostic activity wherein computers may extend assistance (Walter, Klein, Massin and Erginay, 2002). An algorithm for exudate detection is currently in use which employs the characteristic high grey level variation and contours of exudates with the optic disc as point of reference (Walter, Klein, Massin and Erginay, 2002). Finally, biosignaling is also an important concern of medical informatics. In a recently developed application known as the Emer-Loc, emergency medical situations for diabetic patients may be speedily responded to from the use of location-based biosignaling (Maglogiannis and Hadjiefthymiades, 2007). The system employs sensors affixed to the patients body, a micro-computing unit which processes sensor readings and a central monitoring unit to coordinate data flow (Maglogiannis and Hadjiefthymiades, 2007). Global positioning system (GPS) is used to locate the patient if her signals correspond to an emergency condition. List of References American Diabetes Association (2008). Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from diabetes. org/type-1-diabetes/treatment-conditions. jsp. BD diabetes. com (2008). Insulin Pens. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from bddiabetes. com/US/main. aspx? cat=1id=254. Childrenwithdiabetes. com (2005). Auto-Lancet Adjustable. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from childrenwithdiabetes. com/d_06_2a7. htm. Diabetespilot. com (2008). Diabetes Pilot: Information Management for People with Diabetes. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from diabetespilot. com/index. php? ref=5gclid=CPiG5b2TwpYCFQeO1Qodm iMAzg. Douglass, K. (2008). New Products. Diabetes Forecast 2008 Resource Guide. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from diabetes. org/uedocuments/df-rg-new-products- 0108. pdf. Gogou, G. , Maglaveras, N. , Ambrosiadou, B. V. , Goulis, D. and Pappas, C. (2001). â€Å"A Neural Approach in Diabetes Management by Insulin Administration†. Journal of Medical Systems 2(25): 119-131. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from http://portal. acm. org/citation. cfm? id=609076. Hurd, R. (2007). Insulin Pump. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from nlm. nih. gov/ /ency/imagepages/18035. htm. Kanaujia, M. (2007). New Device to Treat Diabetes and Fulminant Liver Failure. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from medgear. org/page/4/. Maglogiannis, I. and Hadjiefthymiades, S. (2007). EmerLoc: Location-Based Services for Emergency Medical Incidents. International Journal of Medical Informatics 76(10): 747-759. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from find-health-articles. com/rec_pub_16949860-emerloc-location-based-services-emergency-medical-incidents. htm. Minimed. com (2008). MiniMed Paradigm Real-Time System. Retrieved 27 October 2008 from minimed. com/products/insulinpumps/components/minilink. html. Schaffer, A. (2008). New York Times Health Guide: Diabetes. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Dialogue between a Hindu Upanishad and a Jain Essay

A Dialogue between a Hindu Upanishad and a Jain - Essay Example It is because I am free from suffering as my state (moksha) has liberated me from it. I do not wish anyone or anything ill and so this forest shall not harm me. I am pleased wherever I am. Religious A (Hindu): Wherever you are is not actually where you are. You see my friend, what you thought as you is not actually you because what you think you are that is trapped in this forest is just the body that houses the atman, which is your soul or the real you. The real you actually cannot perish and it does not matter where you are whether you are pleased or not because the real you cannot be harmed. Religious A (Hindu): I am confident because my atman will unite with its natural universe which is the Brahman. Brahman my friend could be this forest because it is all that permeates all things where it held all being and existence. Right now, in this forest with all its peace and tranquility, the atman becoming the Brahman is beginning to become more apparent to me. Religious B (Jain): That is so wonderful of you my friend. But your conviction and confidence may lead you to suffering because it entertains and contains the mana or ego that leads you to perish and suffer. Religious A (Hindu): No my friend, I don’t perish. I will just be reborn again to improve my karma so I am not worried about any harm. Sometimes death, or perishing as you call it is necessary to complete the cycle of birth and death. This is to allow me to improve my karma through their lifetime of action until I achieved enlightenment and vijnana. Religious B (Jain): Looks like we share the same sentiment my friend. I too strive to achieve nirvana and be released by the karmic bondage. Hey look! The town is already ahead. It looks like it is not our day after all to begin the cycle of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How the Limit-Pricing Model Fit within the Harvard Approach to Assignment

How the Limit-Pricing Model Fit within the Harvard Approach to Industrial Economics - Assignment Example Among these technological causes, one is the diminishing cost structure of the monopolist firm. There are some internal and external economies and diseconomies of scale. If the economies of scale dominate over the diseconomies of scale the firm faces diminishing cost. That's why the cost declines with the expansion of the firm. Higher the amount of production lower would be the average and marginal cost and hence higher would be the capability to charge the lower price. That can be shown with the help of the following diagram. The above case is called the phenomenon of natural monopoly; the new firm's entry gets restricted automatically because of the technological nature of the existing firm. The new firm would not be able to compete with the existing firm. (Kutsoyiannis 1994) 2. There are many barriers that are responsible for the monopoly power that a firm may enjoy. A high level of fixed cost is also a cause behind the emergence of monopoly power. If in an industry, the starting of a new venture is subject to high establishment cost or resource cost it would be difficult for the new entrants to start a new venture in the market. That also contributes to the monopoly power of the firm or firms as the scope of new entry becomes narrower due to the high time and cost required for starting production in the market. (Hoag 2006) 3. Another major cause behind the emergence of monopoly power is the legal barriers to entry. In this situation, the monopolist is protected by the legal system of the country from competition from new firms. The state enforces some laws that would enable a single company to sell any particular good or service. The best example is the case of USPS for delivering the first class mail. No other company is entitled to the right to sale the same commodity. That's why USPS enjoys the monopoly power in the market. Monopoly power is protected by federal law.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Tourism and Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tourism and Economy - Essay Example However, domestic travel has been on the decline not just in Australia but the same trend persists in other countries such as the UK and New Zealand. Travel agents associate the decline in domestic tourism to the growth in the low-cost carriers (LCC) and also forecast that carriers such as Tiger Airways and Air Asia X would slowly kill domestic tourism. However, this may be just one of the factors responsible for the decline in domestic tourism. In fact, the LCC may also contribute to the economy by bringing tourists from overseas, thereby increasing the inbound tourists to Australia. Despite the global economic slowdown during the year ended September 2011 domestic tourism received a boost due to the strong mining sector, recovery efforts following the east-coast floods and stronger business confidence (Domestic Tourism Snapshot, 2011). The graph below confirms that there has not been a significant fall in domestic tourism over the decade. According to this report interstate holidays and visiting friends and relatives increased during this period but the focus was on short holidays. Not a significant growth in the domestic sector has been forecast but the reasons are more economic and not connected to low cost air travel. Source: Domestic Tourism Snapshot, 2011 However, some decline in domestic tourism has taken place. The reasons for the decline in domestic tourism have been associated with several factors. Outbound visitor nights have increased while there has been a fall in domestic weekend trips. Since 2004/05 a smaller portion of household consumption is bei ng allocated for tourism activity (Tourism Research Australia, 2007). The same trend was observed about 15 years ago when outbound travel grew by 6% while domestic travel increased by only about 1 percent per year. Therefore, the current decline in domestic tourism is not a new phenomenon. The driving factor for decline in domestic tourism in UK and New Zealand has also been associated with cheaper fares on short-haul flights. In the case of New Zealand the strength of the national currency has increased competitiveness for overseas holidays. In Australia consumer behavior and the attitude towards holidays has changed. Social, cultural and technological changes have resulted in lower tolerance (Tourism Research Australia, 2007). Australians prefer to spend their time and income on what makes them feel better now instead of deferring their holiday and obtaining gratification later. Domestic tourism has long lead times and lack of tangibility which places it a disadvantage compared to overseas holidays. It is intangible because of lack of communication and proper information. People want to experience their holiday and use it to learn through interactions. Domestic tourism in Australia is unable to fulfill the demands of the consumers who seek newer pastures. This has prompted the domestic tourists towards outbound tourism. Other factors include rising incomes and access to a range of destinations (TRA, 2011). Information and communication at the domestic level is lacking and none is willing to take responsibility. The drivers of domestic tourism are income and price while the drivers of outbound tourism are airfares and air capacity (TRA, 2011). As social and cultural changes have taken place, and as the dollar has become stronger, consumers find overseas travel much cheaper. The demand for outbound tourism has further been increased as cheap airfares and holiday packages are available. However, it is not just the costs but the excitement to experience somethin g different and to engage in activities and