Monday, September 30, 2019

Impetus for Global Warming

Although the whole world is aware of the global worming issue and is afraid of what its impacts could do mother earth in the coming future, there are those who still believe global worming is a fiction and does not exist. The global warming debate in many parts of the earth is ranging more than before. Many people assert to the fact that earth is jeopardized by daily human activities that we cannot do without while skeptics strongly continue to believe that human activities are not the cause to global (Haldar, 2011). Most of the skeptics do not understand how human activities are contributing to global warming. They do not realize that every time they turn on their electronic gadgets and drive cars they contribute to the problem. It is due to such ignorance in the past that the problem has continued to creep on us. Additionally, as much as many people understand that global warming, is a problem now; very few understand that each choice they make contribute to the problem while even fewer do not understand that it is the responsibility of every person to solve the problem by remaining conscious of their consumption choices. Global warming is based on the notion that the earth temperatures are increasing due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels. The increase in temperatures is caused by the increasing emission of carbon dioxide, CO2, into the atmosphere that is associated with trapping heat hence the greenhouse effect. According to Maslin (2007), human activities that include burning of fossil fuels are the main causes of global warming in our planet. The effect of increasing global temperatures is the main cause of changing global climate, which is the main effect of global warming (Haldar, 2011). This further affects different climatic regions in different ways such as faster melting of the glaciers in the arctic, famine and draughts, heavier rainfall in some regions while others hardly receive any, warmer oceans, loss of species and changing weather patterns amongst others. Therefore, there is a pressing need to protect the environment in the face of global warming especially in adversely affected areas where climatic changes are occurring rapidly (Haldar, 2011). Arguments for Global Warming Currently, many arguments in favor of the global warming issue exist. The most agreed upon argument is that human activities especially those that cause emission of carbon dioxide are quite high to be considered insignificant or negligible, as skeptics to global warming would term them. The other argument is that global temperatures are more constant and do not change over a short while. However, the current increase in the global average temperatures is an indicator of increasing greenhouse effect causing the global warming. Further scientific research indicate that over the past century when the world has undergone a huge transformation into industrialization temperatures have increased significantly especially in the last fifty years. Moreover, scientific studies agree that fluctuating temperatures are not only caused by human activities, but also other activities such as volcanic eruptions and solar activities amongst other cause (Biophile Magazine n. d). This indicates that arguments for global warming are supported by scientific research while skeptic arguments are not. Another argument for global warming is that carbon dioxide being one of the most important greenhouse gases cannot be removed from the atmosphere easily. It requires a lot of time to remove from the atmosphere considering that we currently produce it in huge amounts. The current amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can last for the next 200 years even if we stopped emitting any into the atmosphere (Biophile Magazine n. d). This means that its percentage in the atmosphere will continue to increase if no measures are taken to stop. A comparison of the earth’s climate with its closest planets can indicate how the effect of increase in carbon could jeopardize life. Mars, with a thinner atmosphere has almost all of its carbon dioxide in the ground maintaining its temperatures at -50oC. On the other hand, Venus that is closer to the sun has a thicker atmosphere with 96% of it containing carbon dioxide. This maintains its temperatures at +420oC. This is to mean that increase in carbon implies increased temperatures (Maslin, 2007). Arguments against Global Warming While there are many arguments for global warming, it is surprising that there are as many opposing views especially ones that are just fiction. One of the major opposing arguments is that even though the earth is warming up, we cannot for sure attribute this to human activities. Most of these opposing views from the skeptics attribute global warming to natural causes despite the fact that scientific studies have indicated the contribution of human activities to global warming. As a result, many people are confused over whether global warming is a fact of fiction. Even some scientists argue that global warming if it exists is beneficial since it allows longer growing seasons, efficient irrigation schemes and creates more climates that are conducive. Although this might be partially true, it is a known fact that such effect is only for a short period while the negative effects are permanent. Another argument from the skeptics is that carbon dioxide can be removed from the atmosphere quickly, meaning that we can reverse the effect quickly than it is changing (Biophile Magazine n. d). As aforementioned, this is not true and remains just a fiction. Further, they claim the negligibility of the human activities in causing the problem. These are arguments without scientific or in contrast to scientific studies, making most of them fiction. However, whether fiction or not fiction, such arguments have the effects of slowing the efforts of mitigating the problem. In conclusion, it is evident that two sides to the global warming fact or fiction debate exist with many still believing that human activities have nothing to do with global warming. The arguments presents two sides, one with people who believe that human activities are causing the global warming while the other believes global warming if it exists is caused by natural causes. The two sides of view dictate what one can do to prevent the problem from aggravating. With the view supporting global warming, the proponents are more likely to take up measures that reduce carbon emission especially changing their consumption behavior while the opposing side will just do nothing. It is important to understand both sides of the arguments in order to make better judgment concerning measures that can reduce global warming.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Analysis of Arguments for and Against the Institutions

The Bretton Woods twins, namely the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, have been the focus of attention for several years already since its inception. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development has been changed to its presently popular name of World Bank. It is the aim of this paper to make a general presentation and evaluation of the argument posed for and against the Bretton Woods institutions in relation to their influence on the sovereign decision making process of the different countries in the global economic arena.During its creation, the IMF and the World Bank has been absorbed with practices of neoliberal economy policies that sought to liberalize the market from the state and minimize government intervention in the premise that â€Å"the state itself was conceived as the problem rather than the solution† (Onis and Senses 2005: 264). It has been clearly pointed out by Onis and Senses (2005) that th e effects of strict adherence to the neoliberal practices proposed by the Bretton Woods institutions have led to problems for a lot of countries.Among them is Argentina who has fallen suddenly at the peak of its swing (Onis and Senses 2005). This was followed by a shift of the Bretton Woods institutions to rethinking the neoliberal practices they have imposed as a tight rope to the countries they have bestowed with different programmes. However, it is still stained with uncertainty as to whether their sincerity is real or not in the light of their actions (Onis and Senses 2005: 280).The arguments posed by the authors, Onis and Senses (2005), have been followed by concrete examples from countries that have adopted the neoliberal approaches hailed to be good by the Bretton Woods institutions but did not directly provide as to how and why there were failures on the part of the Bretton Woods institutions than what Stiglitz (2003) had done. Another counter-argument thrown towards the IMF , in particular, is its failure in the East Asian Crisis.It has not adhered to the objectives originally formulated by Keynes when it had begun, which was to adopt policies that are expansionary in nature and to provide for funding to developmental undertakings (Stiglitz, 2003). In fact, they have provided for policies that have been contractionary fiscal policies that either involved reducing public spending, increase in taxes, or adopting both. With regard to objectives, this argument stated by Stiglitz is valid for it has stated the whys of the failure of IMF with regard to objectives.The author also provided the answer to the question â€Å"how† by stating that the IMF has been accountable to a single stream of representatives, who are in turn becoming less and less accountable (Stiglitz 2003: 119). A good argument placed upon the World Bank has something to do with the fact that it has been able to learn from the mistakes of the IMF and was able to discuss the problems t hat have beset their organization (Stiglitz 2003). The World Bank, unlike the IMF, was accountable to a lot of sectors and, with its leaders, was able to discuss the problems and criticisms that have been pushed their way (Stiglitz 2003).This approach by the World Bank was better than the actions of the IMF, who actually blamed the governments for poor implementation. However, with regard to the aids given by the Bank to the developing countries, there are certain conditions such as policies that would pave the way for the success of the aid given (Stiglitz 2003: 124). Thus, this has rendered the aid more selective. These are among the several arguments placed and there is more coming from the different fields in the academe. These criticisms only show that the institutions formed Bretton Woods left some more room for improvement.In addition to this, these arguments have shown that the courses of action taken by these institutions had impacts that are felt by both the developing and the developed countries. References Onis, Z. and Senses, F. (2005), ‘Re-thinking the Emerging Post-Washington Consensus. ’ Development and Change 36, (2) 263-290. Stiglitz, J. (2003), ‘Democratizing the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank: Governance and Accountability. ’ Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions 16, (1) 111-139.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles

A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles The economic recession has undoubtedly increased the unemployment rates across the U. S. More and more men are becoming ‘stay at home dads’, thus challenging the status quo. This would be a good thing according to conflict theorists, who believe that the male exploitation of women is detrimental to society; any sort of exploitation of rich to poor, male to female, must be deconstructed. â€Å"A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles† supports the rising number of traditional gender roles being reversed in today’s society.However, just because the roles are switched, does not mean that true gender equality exists. Social norms establish the privileges and responsibilities a certain status may occupy. Females and males, mothers and fathers are all statuses with distinct role requirements that are perceived as â€Å"normal† to society. The status of a mother includes ‘expected’ roles involving love, caretaking , duties in the kitchen, etc. The status of a father primarily includes the expected role of a breadwinner.The huge increase of women in the workforce, an achieved status, may unfortunately lead to the experience of Durkheim’s concept anomie, or uncertainty of rules/norms in a society. These ‘traditional norms’ have begun to change, but new ones have not yet developed, â€Å"To put it simply, because we’re not there yet†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Kathleen Gerson, quoted in article). So why does gender inequality persist even though men and women are not tied to traditional roles as they were in earlier times? Conflict theorists argue that women are at a disadvantage because of the inequalities built into the social structure.This social structure ‘built’ into society refers to the agents of socialization that have structured what it means to be gendered-female and gendered-male; gender roles are learned through the socialization process. Children learn p roper behavior for girls and boys, first—and most crucially—through parents, then the media (Disney movies) and finally peer groups or other sources of socialization. Even at an early age, children develop stereotypical notions of both genders and then use those notions to systematize their thoughts and behavior.However today, the media puts out ideas that are inconsistent with ideas of family or education and so it is directly antagonistic to the other important institutions in society. These pre-conceived ideas of gender-typical behavior have prevented individuals from truly assuming the identity of a reversed role, â€Å"Men have a sense of esteem, of identity that comes with being the provider†¦Women don’t get the same identity benefit — there’s a sense that one has a double burden. † (Barbara Rissman, quoted in article). The author clearly struggled with her new gendered-male role.She wasn’t prepared for the role conflict sh e would experience in partaking a ‘man’s role’, â€Å"I didn’t think I’d feel so guilty, or derelict in my womanly duties, when my husband is quick to comfort our fussy 4-month-old—or reminds me where we keep the muffin tin. Or that I’d feel so much chest-tightening pressure when I monitor our bills. † (Dunleavey). When asked, â€Å"Did your concept of ‘equality’ ever include supporting the family? †, the author had to admit her answer was no. Women have consistently complained and fought for equality— but is that what they really wanted?Now that we have it, we are â€Å"seething — with uncertainty, resentment, anxiety and frustration. † (Dunleavey) The pre-ordained notions of what is right vs. wrong, female vs. male that have been engrained in our heads from early childhood and then through constant resocialization over the years, have prevented some of us from truly being equal, even wh en we are on the surface—equal. A conflict theorist would point out for this case, that the need to eliminate inequalities does not just include eliminating the suffering of those on the bottom, but eliminating the suffering of those on the top as well.Despite the increase of women in the labor force and the now blurred boundaries of gender discriminations, men and women live in a society where the demands of balancing work and parenting are unsettled. Women were not prepared for what true equality would actually entail—but can we blame them? Literature Cited: Dunleavey, M. P. â€Å"A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles. † The New York Times 27 January 2007, Section C 1:1. http://www. nytimes. com/2007/01/27/business/27instincts. html

Friday, September 27, 2019

Working With Numbers and Formulas Speech or Presentation

Working With Numbers and Formulas - Speech or Presentation Example Use Okun’s law to determine the size of the GDP gap in percentage-point terms. If the potential GDP is $500 billion in that year, how much output is being forgone because of cyclical unemployment? Study Question 2 key Questionraph the accompanying demand data, and then use the midpoint formula for Ed to determine price elasticity of demand for each of the four possible $1 price changes. What can you conclude about the relationship between the slope of a curve and its elasticity? Explain in a non-technical way why demand is elastic in the northwest segment of the demand curve and inelastic in the southeast segment. The reason why demand is elastic in the northwest segment of the demand curve and inelastic in the southeast segment, is that it matters more to the consumer when the ticket is too expensive than it does when it is too cheap. Study question 7: Key Question A firm has fixed costs of $60 and variable costs as indicated in the table on the following page. Complete the table and check your calculations by referring to question 4 at the end of Chapter 23 b. Graph AFC, AVC, ATC, and MC. Explain the derivation and shape of each of these four curves and their relationships to one another. Specifically, explain in non-technical terms why the MC curve intersects both the AVC and the ATC curves at their minimum points. c. Explain how the location of each curve graphed in question 7b would be altered if (1) total fixed cost had been $100 rather than $60 and (2) total variable cost had been $10 less at each level of output. Question 5: The following table gives information from a sample of college students: gender; number of children in family of origin; and number of children in their ideal family, in which they may someday be a parent. a. Sketch a scatterplot of the data collected from the students and discuss any trends. (Use the same scale on both axes.) Which

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Human Geography - Abstract Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Geography - Abstract - Essay Example This is what shapes the social behavior for this ferocious animal in the Serengeti. Quammen further notes that for a lion to be found in a wrong social group could in itself mean death as is seen in the case of Hildur which was fleeing from a coalition of four lions known as ‘Killers’ (â€Å"Short Happy Life 7). Death is also illustrated when C-Boy is attacked and sound by the other three male lions-Killers. However, in most cases, the fights between lions are mainly due to the reason of wanting to gain controlling rights over a pride, which in this case belonged to C-Boy. Death for the cubs may result when their father is killed by the ‘Killers’ and their mother lion captured. They are then left for starvation, killed by the ‘Killers’ or left for the hyenas. However, mostly death for lions is as a result of jealousy against one another i.e. the lion is the enemy number one for its kind-lions. In this article, the theme clearly emerges that the reason why lions stay in prides is mainly to protect their offspring from attacks by other coalitions as well as to guard the premium territories they inhabit. In general, the article describes a life which affirms that the Serengeti is not a place for the impaired, the unlucky or the elderly. Quammen, David. "The Short Happy Life of a Serengeti Lion." National Geographic (2013). 2. Living with Lions Human relations with animals are one which is defined by various factors most of which are controversial. Controversial in the sense that choice is made between the domesticated animals and the wild ones. However, for communities who are living next to neighborhoods inhabited by wild animals, daily confrontations with the same is a general phenomenon. Since wild animals such as lions are predators of human beings, there is always a constant struggle for survival in the habitat. In this article, Living with Lions, Qu ammen documents on the relational existence between man and the ‘King of the Jungle’ (â€Å"Living with Lions 10†). First, the article describes the lions are complicated, fearsome animals, which have continually complicated the lives of human beings living among them. This is because the lions are incompatible with the pastoral and farming life of men around them. Therefore, continually man is forced to hunt and kill the lions as a safety precautionary measure. On the other hand, lions as predators are know to cause havoc by attacking and maiming the human beings. This scenario has seen the trend of lions dwindling downwards while that of men who seek for survival trends upwards. Second, the author has also documented on the past trend line of lions as having been that of staying with men since time immemorial. For instance, the Chauvet cave in southern France has Paleolithic painting that vividly show the co-existence between lions and men in Europe nearly 30 m illennia ago. However, this has changed and for a number of reasons such as loss of habitat, and poaching, fragmentation of the habitat, displacement by livestock, ritual killings among particular communities such as the Maasai in Kenya and the unsustainable hunting of lions by affluent Americans (â€Å"Living with Lio

The appendices of Poster Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The appendices of Poster - Essay Example It owns several cash & carry clubs, forecourt stores, discount department stores, discount stores, hypermarkets and supermarkets. It is a publicly traded organization and its shares are listed in the London and Irish Stock markets. The company was founded by Jack Cohen, in 1919 (Tesco Plc, 2011). The current CEO of the organization is Philip Clarke and its chairman is Richard Broadbent (Tesco Plc, 2014b). The company sells goods and services of various brands but at the same time it also acquires its own range of product lines. The primary products and services of the company are books, furniture, clothing, electronics; financial, telecoms, internet services and DVD rental services; petrol and software and many other products. Since, its inception, the business of the company has significantly grown up and at present it operates in more than twelve major economies in the world. With rise in scope and scale of business, the customer base of the company has also expanded across all mar ketplaces and the gross employment generated by the concern has increased. It is estimated that Tesco generates employment opportunities for approximately 530,000 individuals around the world. The company claims that all important decisions are undertaken according to the vision statement. Tesco acquires multiple superior assets in business and its activities ensure utility maximization of its business stakeholders. It uses innovative ideas in business with which it provides high quality services and this has helped it gain loyalty of customers. The company claims that it prioritises on doing the right thing for its colleagues, customers and the communities and it has gained high brand value in the market only with such initiatives (Needle, 2010). Many economists claim that an institution affects the business outcomes of concerns and are hence susceptible for analysis. It is the set of social, legal, economic and political conventions that institutes the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Compare and contrast the two poems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Compare and contrast the two poems - Essay Example Udiah’s work appeared to be more effective in delivering its message and emotion, for the poem’s sentence structures were written with simplicity. Similarities The subject that the two poems similarly discussed was ‘death.’ Both masterpieces conveyed the underlying message that death is part of the lives of mortal beings or it is part of the cycle of life. For instance, there was a line in the poem â€Å"Angel of Death† which said â€Å"fears of my slavery† (Udiah Line 22). This line means that individuals are slaves of death, and that human being’s life on earth is finite. Likewise, the poem â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night† also communicated the same message through the line, â€Å"old age should burn and rage at close of day† (Thomas Line 2). This implies that the poet acknowledged that death is part of life. Since death was the subject matter discussed, both poems communicated the emotions such as struggle, sadness, and mourning. These were made more vivid through the poets’ utilization of metaphors. For instance, night and darkness were used as symbols for death. With this, the vision that the readers may create while reading both poems is darkness, which connotes sadness and loneliness due to desolation. In terms of the structures of the poem and the techniques that the poets used, similarities were also found. Both poems were structured in a formal manner, employing in uniform syllable counts. â€Å"Angel of Death† is composed of four stanzas with six lines in each. The first four lines in each stanza uniformly have six syllables, while the last two lines have eight syllables. The poem â€Å"Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night† is composed of six stanzas with three lines in each, except for the last stanza which has four lines. Uniformly, each line has ten syllables. Udiah and Dylan Thomas used repeated lines to give drama and heighten the intensity of the mes sage they want to convey. For instance, the first poem repeatedly mentioned the line â€Å"the angel of death at his kill† (Udiah Lines 6, 12, 18, 24), while the other poem repeatedly uttered â€Å"rage, rage against the dying light† (Thomas Lines 3, 9, 15, 19) and â€Å"do not go gentle into that good night† (Thomas Lines 1, 6, 12, 18). In addition, both poets used the irony technique to explicitly express the artistic nature of poems. For example, the phrase ‘angel of death’ demonstrates irony, considering that angels are deemed good, yet they can also be deadly. The line â€Å"blind eyes could blaze like meteors† (Udiah Line 14) in the other poem, likewise shows irony, for it is impossible for a blind eyes to see dazzling light. On a personal point of view, the use of the formal poem structures, i.e. uniform syllable counts and rhyme schemes, have provided the readers with easy and enjoyable read. As a result, the readers may experience ea sy grasp of the subtle message of such masterpieces, and feel the emotion that those poems aspire to convey. Furthermore, the techniques that Udiah and Dylan Thomas used like the metaphor, repetitive lines, and irony have also added beauty to the poems. With those, the effectiveness of message transmission and message reception were elevated. Perhaps, such techniques made both poets effective on how they liked in conveying the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Annotated Bibliography - Assignment Example In this journal, the writer argues that there is no single organization that can perform better without a proper functioning department of human resource management; therefore it is important that the human resource managers cooperate. Elwood F. Holton II, James W. Trott, Jr. (1996). "Trends Toward a Closer Integration of Vocational Education and Human Resources Development", Journal of Vocational and Technical Education, Vol. 12, No. 2, p7. In this text, the writer describes the matter of human resource development in detain and explains all the issues involved for its success, as well as describing its importance to an organization as a whole. In this journal, we find that the writer describes human resource development in detail and then goes ahead to explain how it supports the sharing of knowledge in an organization, as well as the workforce. This journal discusses the issue of integrated managerial training in detail, and explains how it greatly helps or even how it is strategic for the development of management in an organization or company. In this book, the writers try to give the readers a clear understanding of the importance of human resources and its performance, and then describe the benefits that an organization can get from a well structured department of human resources. In this book, the writers try to describe in detail how a typical department of human resources should look like and goes ahead to explain the different components of the department and its leadership. The writer, in this article explains what a human resource management is and discusses the international human resource management comprehensively, which include integrating people, process and context. Budhwar, P. S., Schuler R. S. and Sparrow P.R. (eds.) (2009).   Major works in international human resource management.   Volumes

Monday, September 23, 2019

Academic Integrity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Academic Integrity - Assignment Example The present research has identified that a leader who has integrity also has the courage to differentiate right from wrong and to act on what he believes and stands for it. The signs of the leader having integrity are that he is honest not only to himself but also to the world, he learns from his mistakes and is also not afraid to accept his mistakes and speaking up when something wrong or out of the ordinary is observed. A Leader who has integrity engraved within him also becomes a role model for others and has the potential of affecting the world on a large scale. Hence, a person who demonstrates exquisite leadership skills with an added asset of integrity is bound to the road to success. Academic integrity is taught in many academic institutions in the form of moral conducts, it is mentioned in the universities websites. Moreover, students are given classes on how to practice it to the fullest. According to MSU, academic integrity means to submit authentic and genuine work and to praise people work by acknowledging them. The failure to comply with academic integrity leads to the failure of student and even dismissal of a student from the university. MSU has strict policies against academic dishonesty. It states various rules and regulation regarding academic dishonesty in research, the duties of a student regarding academic integrity etc. If a student is accused of conducting academic dishonesty, he is evaluated by his supervising teacher and is then given the penalty on the basis of his degree of dishonesty. The student may then appeal for a hearing. It is also the responsibility of the students to practice integrity in scholarships, grades, and standards of the professions.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Mosquito- Shadow Animal Totem Essay Example for Free

Mosquito- Shadow Animal Totem Essay The mosquito is my shadow animal totem because it tests me to overcome small irritations. When a mosquito bites me, I’m usually not too happy about it. Even though it is just a small bump on me, it allows the mosquito to lay its eggs as the small amount of blood they suck is enough to last for a few days. After I have been bitten I need to find the patience to overcome the itchiness. Realistically, a mosquito bite is just a small inconvenience but I am afraid to stop worrying about it and move on to the bigger things that actually need my attention. The mosquito reminds you to listen to the lessons you are experiencing. It allows you recognize the attitudes of others and not only personal attitudes. Also, it makes you think about what that small irritation has done for the food chain or one animal in particular. Another thing the mosquito shows us we need to trust our bodies to take care of the bump or it will itch later on if we scratch it. The bump will be taken care of by our body so our job is to focus on the things that matter in life. Mosquitoes give us a chance to test ourselves and revitalize our spirits. I seem to fail this test a lot, which is why the mosquito appeared to me as my shadow animal totem. When I can overcome a bite from a mosquito, I will have learned to be more patient and trust my body to do its job. Mosquitoes live on still water until they reach adulthood and then they follow a trail of carbon dioxide which will be its blood source. They can suck blood from a lot of creatures but they choose mainly humans, herbivorous mammals, and birds. Only the female mosquito sucks blood because it needs the protein and iron in our blood to develop its eggs. Both females and males use plant nectar, fruit juices, and liquids that ooze from plants as another food source. A mosquito has a long, slim body with 6 legs, a mouthpiece called a proboscis designed to suck in food, and two antennae. Mosquitoes are nocturnal but they do rest in dense vegetation, caves, tree holes, chicken coops, stables, and basements during daytime. When a male mosquito wants to find a mate it will listen to the sound of the female’s wings as they reach a higher frequency than the male can get to. Even as they are mating, they will change the beat of the wings to different frequencies and create a â€Å"duet†.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Effects on Individual Preparation for Work

Effects on Individual Preparation for Work Individual Assignment- Three Future Trends Lim Mei Nuan This assignment will talk about the three future trends that will have positive effect for an individual preparation for work and how one of it has the most impact for an individual to prepare for work. Three future trends that I will discuss are the â€Å"use of new technologies for training delivery†, â€Å"increased emphasis on capturing and sharing intellectual capital† and â€Å"increased use of true performance support and social learning†. Nowadays, the growing and use of new technologies is continuously changing and this can show that the use of new technologies in learning will be taking place. Increased uses of new technologies will definitely help students to gain knowledge and better prepare for the workforce. However, not every individual will accept the increased use of new technologies into the learning environment. Therefore, effective learning will attract an individual to increase use of new technologies (Winn, 2002). This is because effective learning can be occurred through informal learning (Roy, 2010). Informal learning means the learner controls the learning process that includes when to start an action and this process will not involve an instructor or a trainer and totally control by the learner (Noe, 2013). Informal learning is the critical aspect for increased use of new technologies; this is because it involves the student interactions with the peers and lecturer, sharing experience and knowledge o f study (Winn, 2002). This informal learning can happen through different methods, such as e-mail and social networking websites (Noe, 2013). Furthermore, this will become more usual as combined social networking tools and Web tools to create this easier to implement (Roy, 2010). Thus, this can increase use of new technology and also can increase emphasis on capturing and sharing intellectual capital. Nevertheless, informal learning can help students to increase the chance for learning and sharing knowledge (Allen Lewis, 2006). Students will know how to social interaction with others by using the social networking that allows the students to enhance the collaboration with peers and lecturer, increased informal learning and discussion. Social interaction can help the student to use time productive because students can learns knowledge with and others through the social networking platforms (Brotherton, 2011). This also can be explained that social learning can help students to share their knowledge, experiences and information through social networking tools (Noe, 2013). This assists students to gain more knowledge compare to previously they must attend class only can obtain information. Students are not required to spend time to travel to school or college and they can directly get knowledge through social networking platforms and Web tools. Furthermore, all learning process will become very easy and convenient because the student can use social networking tools such as iPhone, iPad and notebooks to gain knowledge. Therefore, increased use of true performance support and social learning can bring a huge impact for students to gain more knowledge and experience. Increased the use of new technologies such as the Internet can promote the collaborative activities in college and this can increase the students to engage in the activities and encourage to talk in class and knowing more information about the subject (Goldman et al., 1996). This can be said that when increase the use of new technologies, will increase emphasis on capturing and sharing intellectual capital and thus will increase use of true performance support and social learning. All these new sets of future trends should include in the learning environment to help students to prepare for the future. The most important future trend is increased use of new technologies for training delivery. The use of new technologies is not only preparing students to step into the workplace it also enhances students to learn new information and to think critically when using new technologies (Kidwell, Linde Johnson, 2000). Increased use of new technologies can increase the student’s critical thinking skills and this can produce high productivity for the task (Wang, 2012). An organization is looking for an individual who can solve problems critically, can communicate well with others about ideas and information and those can collaborate with colleagues (Beers, 2012). Higher education institutions are using the technologies to enhance the student’s social learning, performance and intellectual aspects (Kidwell, Linde Johnson, 2000). For instance, many universities are using e-learning to deliver the educational material through electronic media such as internet, video/audio tape an d CDs. By using the new technologies for training delivery, the content is easy to understand, easy to access and easy to update the information (Beers, 2012). It also can help the student to perform the task in an efficient and effective ways (Chizmar Walbert, 1999). Through the e-learning, it can give the student the flexibility in where and when they want for accessing the educational material (Song, Singleton, Hill, Koh, 2004). Research had shows that students who are used to the new technologies to create an electronic school yearbook were having a high level of confidence and more active in the task commitment (Liu, 1998). This result indicates that used of new technologies can have a positive effect on the students. Utilizing technology can enhance the students to share their knowledge with others and increase the development for the workplace (Kidwell, Linde Johnson, 2000). For example, this can increase the productivity and the quality of work, enhance the collaboration with colleagues and increased the motivation of the students and all of these can help the students to prepare in the workplace (Chandra, Theng, Lwin, Foo, 2009). In 21st century, many students cannot apply what they have learned from the college into the real world problem (Daggett, 2010). This problem can overcome through the uses of technologies. This is because technologies tools can provide students to apply the theories in the different settings. According to Scheffler and Logan (1999) stated that integrating technology can help students to analyze, evaluate and applying the theories and the knowledge into a real life situation. It means that it uses technology tools to sustenance the learning objective and enhance the student problem solving skills and critical thinking skills. In this digital age, teachers and educators play an important role to help students to be well prepared to enter the workforce. This is because teachers can use of new technologies as supporting tools to help them to enrich their teaching method and increase the student learning (Koc, 2005). Teachers should help students to utilize the technologies tools in a proper way (Koc, 2005). Technology should be used effectively and consistently in the learning environment and teaching materials can be delivered through technology tools to help the students to improve their study (Schwarz, 2000). For example, teacher can play a short video clip for helping the students to understand the concepts and theory through the visuals. It also can aid the teachers to benefit the student to build networks with other countries (Davidson, 2000). Sinclair (2009) reported that the effectiveness of technology in the classroom is depends on the teacher competency levels and how the teacher uses the technolog y. Furthermore, teachers should create awareness for the students to know about why technology is being used and explained to the students that how this new technology can help them in their learning process (Sinclair, 2009). Research shows that there is a positive effect for students learning in mathematics and science through technology tools (Roschelle et al., 2000). This shows that teachers and educators should always use technology tools in teaching and learning to help students to make use of these tools. Therefore, teachers should practice using the new technologies in the teaching process. In addition, the collaboration between universities and industry is important for the lecturer and trainers to upgrade and widening their knowledge as well as the capability to use the new technologies (Kidwell, Linde Johnson, 2000). This can build the foundation for the lecturer and trainers to use the new technologies and also for students (Matthew, 2014). This foundation can also increase the awareness of and the experience to use the new technologies effectively (Matthew, 2014). Moreover, it can help lecturer and trainers to build confidence and knowledge when using the new technologies (Matthew, 2014). Therefore, it provides direct information and the current knowledge for the lecturer and also for the students. Moreover, students should ne advances using tacit knowledge in order to use the new technologies in an effective way. This is because tacit knowledge includes personal experience and ideas and relationship with other people, it is very difficult to explain it out or write it down (Kidwell, Linde Johnson, 2000). Tacit knowledge is important in various high-tech productions such as electronics, telecommunication and aircraft production all are based on tacit knowledge (Rosenberg, 1982; Vincenti, 1984). Therefore, advances using tacit knowledge can improve an individual to prepare for work in the future. Technology not only can use an educational tool for teachers and students it also can be implemented into the curriculum. This can serve to enrich the understanding and increase the academic performance of the students (Klein, 2010). Past research had shows that implemented the digital technology into the curriculum can help students to participate and increase their motivation to involve in the activities, and increase the student decision making skills (Abbott Shaikh, 2005). This result shows that it helps students to engage in the activities and motivated the students to involve in the whole process. Therefore, implemented the technology into the curriculum can prepare the students before enter into the workplace. In conclusion, problem solving skills, critical thinking skills and can work collaborative with other people are very important to help students to be well prepared to enter the workforce. Teachers and educators can guide students and provides students to use the new technologies in an effective and successful way. Reference Abbott, C., Shaikh, A. (2005). Visual representation in the Digital Age: Issues arising from a case study of digital media use and representation by pupils in multicultural school settings. Language Education: An International Journal, 19(6), 455-466. Allen, B., Lewis, D. (2006). Virtual learning communities as a vehicle for workforce development: A case study. Journal of Workplace Learning, 18(6), 367-383. doi: 10.1108/13665620610682099 Beers, S. Z. (2012). 21st century skills: preparing students for their future. In STEM Education Coalition, 1-6. Retrieved from Brotherton, P. (2011). Social Networks Enhance Employee Learning. T+D, 65(4), 18-19. Chandra, S., Theng, Y., O. Lwin, M., Foo, S. (2009). Examining the role of cognitive absorption for information sharing in virtual worlds. Conference Papers — International Communication Association, 1-33. Chizmar, J. F., Walbert, M. S. (1999). Web-based learning environments guided by principles of good teaching practice. Journal of Economic Education, 248-264. Daggett, W. R. (2010). Preparing students for their technological future. International Center for Leadership in Education. Retrieved from http://www. leadered. com/pdf/Preparing Students for Tech Future white paper. pdf. Davidson, S. (2000). Teaching with the world wide web. Phi Delta Kappan, 37, 13-16. Goldman, S.R., Petrosino, A.J., Sherwood, R.D., Garrison, S., Hickey, D., Bransford, J. D., Pellegrino. (1996). Anchoring science in multimedia learning environments. In S. Vosniadou, E. De Corte, R. Glaser, and H. Mandl (Eds.). International perspectives on the psychological foundations of technology based learning environments. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Kidwell, J. J., Linde, K. M. V., Johnson, S. L. (2000). Applying corporate knowledge management practices in higher education. Educause Quarterly, 4, 28-33. Klein, J. D. (2010). When you cant bring your classroom to the world, bring the world into your classroom. Youth Media Reporter, 486-88. Koc, M. (2005). Implications of learning theories for effective technology integration and pre-service teacher training: a critical literature review. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 2(1), 2-18. Liu, M. (1998). A study of engaging high-school students as multimedia designers in a cognitive apprenticeship-style learning environment. Computers in Human Behavior, 14, 387–415. Matthew, H. (2014, July 2). Further Education Workforce Strategy: The Government’s strategy to support workforce excellence in further education. Department for Business, Innovation Skills, 1-29. Retrieved from Noe, R. A. (2013). Employee Training and Development (6th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hull. Rosenberg, N. (1982). Inside the black box: Technology and economics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Roschelle, J. M., Pea, R. D., Hoadley, C. M., Gordin, D. N., Means, B. M. (2000). Changing how and what children learn in school with computer-based technologies. Children and Computer Technology, 10(2), 76-101. Retrieved from Roy, J. N. (2010). Transforming informal learning into competitive advantage. T + D, 64(10), 23-25. Scheffler, F., Logan, J. (1999). Computer technology in schools: what teachers should know and be able to do. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 31, 305- 325. Schwarz, G. (2000). Renewing teaching through media literacy. Phi Delta Kappan, 37, 8- 12. Sinclair, G. B. (2009). Is Larry Cuban right about the impact of computer technology on student learning? Nawa: Journal of Language Communication, 3(1), 46-54. Song, L., Singleton, E., Hill, J., Koh, M. (2004). Improving online learning: Student perceptions of useful and challenging characteristics. The internet and higher education, 7(1), 5970. doi: 10.1016/j.iheduc.2003.11.003. Vincenti, W.G. (1984). Technological knowledge without science: The innovation of flush riveting in American airplanes, ca. 1930-ca. 1950. Technology and Culture, 25(3), 540-576. Wang, V. (2012). Encyclopedia of E-Leadership ,Counseling and Training. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Winn, W. (2002). Current trends in educational technology research: the study of learning environment. Educational Psychology Review, 14(3), 331-351.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Free Essays - The Merchant of Venice is Far from Perfect :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays

Auden's Dystopia The Merchant of Venice is Far from Perfect In a perfect world, hatred would be without justice; love would be totally innocent. However, utopias like that are nonexistent; thus, one can easily look around, like Auden, and exclaim, "No hatred is totally without justification, no love is totally innocent." In The Merchant of Venice, there is an imperfect world, as well as a perfect world. The flawed world is the materialistic and bustling city of Venice. The impeccable world is the fairy-tale city of Belmont. Despite Belmont's perfection, a bit of justified hatred from Venice would ruin its innocence. (Paradise lost.) Alas, as Auden suggests, there are no utopias. In Venice, time is of the essence. If one were to momentarily forget the real world, one would be trampled down by its massive stampede of events, bonds, et cetera constantly being made, ubiquitously in its domain. Shylock and Antonio are just one pair of culprits adding to the ultimate imperfection of Venice. However, the bond made between Shylock and Antonio sets them completely apart from the normal villainy dealings, "If you repay me not on such a day... let the forfeit / Be nominated for an equal pound / Of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken..." [Act 1, Scene 3]. A shrewd merchant, Antonio does not immediately agree to this. He first reasons it out: "Within these two months--that's a month before / This bond expires--I do expect return / Of thrice three times the value of this bond." [Act 1, Scene 3] If all goes well, our merchant of Venice would have no difficulties in paying Shylock back. However, not all goes well; a while after this bond, rumors on the Rialto suggest that Antonio has lost his fortunes at sea. With not enough wealth to compensate for his due payment, Antonio is now in danger of losing a pound of his flesh, which in those days meant almost certain death. In Belmont's high peak, secluded from the merchants of Venice, time is a silhouette of the real world. Portia sits there weary and bored, waiting for the brave suitor who would agree to risk all for her. She is the perfect woman, wrought of both intelligence and beauty; she is like a doll trapped in Wonderland. In addition to those materialistic qualities, she is also a faithful daughter. She dutifully holds true to her father's dying wish and allows her suitors to be chosen by a lottery system.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Women in the Work Force Essay -- Working Conditions Third World Americ

Women in the Work Force Working in a factory which is similar to living in a third world country is difficult. Horrible, intolerable conditions haunt workers at home and in the working environment. Women lead tough lives because they are dictated orders, by men, in and out of the house. Many women have families to support, so making little salaries is a strain on the family. The main issue with conditions in the work force is that management does not have a clear understanding of what the women and the children working are going through. Working conditions in third world countries are similar to some working conditions in America. In third world countries, a woman in the family has expected roles as a wife and a mother. According to Stromquist, â€Å"Roles provide the scripts people adopt in their interaction with others† (4). The mother of the family must keep everyone in order and on tack with their duties. There are women in the world who are never permitted to leave the house (Louie 98). The mother of the house takes care of the children, takes care of her husband, and takes care of all of the household chores. The woman does not usually have an outside role beyond the family. The man in the house will make sure this happens. In third world countries, the community has common expectations for all women. A woman should be portrayed as soft, sweet, affective, intuitive, obedient, and dependent (Stromquist 4). Women should show emotion and be overly motherly, which is opposite of the men. Women are assigned jobs such as caretakers, producers of goods, and services in the nonmonetarized household economy because they can use there motherly characteristics to help them with these jobs (Stromquist 4). These j... ...are enough to support a family. If managers could switch places with the workers there might be a better understanding of what actions need to be fulfilled in making factories a better working place for women. Then women workers would not have to suffer the way they do and would not have to make their children suffer either. Work Sited Boal, Mark. â€Å"American Sweatshops.† Mother Jones 24.3 (2002): 1-2. Roesch Library, Dayton, Ohio. 21 Oct. 2002. Fredericks, Ilse. â€Å"Mom’s battle to work in Sweatshops.† Sunday Times (South Africa). (2002): 1-2. Louie, Miriam. Sweatshop Warriors. New York: South End Press, 1990. Stromquist, Nelly P. Women in Third World Countries. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1997. Vaknin, Sam. â€Å"Commentary: The Self-Appointed Altruists.† Financial News. (2002): 1-4. Women in the Work Force Essay -- Working Conditions Third World Americ Women in the Work Force Working in a factory which is similar to living in a third world country is difficult. Horrible, intolerable conditions haunt workers at home and in the working environment. Women lead tough lives because they are dictated orders, by men, in and out of the house. Many women have families to support, so making little salaries is a strain on the family. The main issue with conditions in the work force is that management does not have a clear understanding of what the women and the children working are going through. Working conditions in third world countries are similar to some working conditions in America. In third world countries, a woman in the family has expected roles as a wife and a mother. According to Stromquist, â€Å"Roles provide the scripts people adopt in their interaction with others† (4). The mother of the family must keep everyone in order and on tack with their duties. There are women in the world who are never permitted to leave the house (Louie 98). The mother of the house takes care of the children, takes care of her husband, and takes care of all of the household chores. The woman does not usually have an outside role beyond the family. The man in the house will make sure this happens. In third world countries, the community has common expectations for all women. A woman should be portrayed as soft, sweet, affective, intuitive, obedient, and dependent (Stromquist 4). Women should show emotion and be overly motherly, which is opposite of the men. Women are assigned jobs such as caretakers, producers of goods, and services in the nonmonetarized household economy because they can use there motherly characteristics to help them with these jobs (Stromquist 4). These j... ...are enough to support a family. If managers could switch places with the workers there might be a better understanding of what actions need to be fulfilled in making factories a better working place for women. Then women workers would not have to suffer the way they do and would not have to make their children suffer either. Work Sited Boal, Mark. â€Å"American Sweatshops.† Mother Jones 24.3 (2002): 1-2. Roesch Library, Dayton, Ohio. 21 Oct. 2002. Fredericks, Ilse. â€Å"Mom’s battle to work in Sweatshops.† Sunday Times (South Africa). (2002): 1-2. Louie, Miriam. Sweatshop Warriors. New York: South End Press, 1990. Stromquist, Nelly P. Women in Third World Countries. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1997. Vaknin, Sam. â€Å"Commentary: The Self-Appointed Altruists.† Financial News. (2002): 1-4.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sex Education in Public Schools Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Topi

Sex Education in Schools      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Children all over the country who sit down in their classes are being taught sex education. There are books, videos, special speakers and qualified teachers for the subject. Depending on where a child lives, the education he or she is being taught might vary. For example, Wyoming, North Dakota, Minnesota, Maine and Utah do not require schools to provide sexuality or STD/HIV education, (they teach abstinence). District of Columbia, on the other hand, must include contraception with condoms available (Innerst). I was once shown a book that was used to teach sex education to fifth graders in an inner-city school. The book was softbound, about one hundred pages in length, and had cartoon-like colored illustrations. I thumbed through the pages and could not believe what I was seeing. Some of the things in that book were things that even I had never seen before, and I was married with a child. The book taught (and showed pictures of) homosexual sex, masturbation, oral sex, proper procedures for condoms and diaphragms, female and male pleasure spots. The list goes on. This book was not teaching a fifth grader safe sex; it was teaching them how to have sex right and get the most gratification out of it. There was no mention of abstinence throughout the entire book. This sex education method teaches too much and at too early of an age; it undermines children's capability of abstaining, encourages sex and really isn't safe at all; it must be reformed.    My first experience with the subject was in the fifth grade in 1988. My teacher split the boys and girls into two rooms. She talked to the girls about things like menstrual cycles and hormones. I remember a lot of laughter and snickers coming f... ... 265.4 (1991). CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention." Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance 1995." Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 45.53(1996). "Choose to be Excellent." Me, My World, My Future. 204. DeVincenzi, I. "A Longitudinal Study of 343 Steady Partners of Infected Men." Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 6.5 (1993): 497-502. Hogan, Ruby. Interview. 22 Nov 2000. Innerst, Carol. "Teen pregnancies higher in states that teach condom use". The Washington Times. Oct 1995: A4 Jones & Forrest. "Contraceptive Failure Rates based on the 1998 NSFG." Family Planning Perspectives. 24.1(1998): 12-19. Resnick, Michael. "Protecting Adolescents from Harm-Findings from the National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health". 278.10 (1997): 823-832 Teen-Aid, Inc. "Wait Until Marriage. Why?" Teen-Aid. 1994.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Regret: Best Friend

We did everything together, and I thought nothing could tear our friendship apart, but I was wrong. As the years past by, Rachel started making more friends and I felt that was being left out a lot and less popular. Our friendship was still there, but until one day, when a little misunderstanding due to Jealousy caused us to drift apart. That misunderstanding was the biggest regret of my teenage years. â€Å"Hey Rachel I heard your birthday is coming up and you are going have a party. Am I invited? † Nicole asked her. â€Å"Am I invited too? A group of girls, her new friends crowded around her table, filled with curiosity whether they were invited. Rachel then whipped out a stack of invitation cards out from her bag and said, â€Å"l got my invitation cards here. You guys will find out whether you got invited later. So, shoo! I'm trying to study here. † The crowd then dispersed, going back to their seats. I wondered if I was being Invited too. Yet I naturally assumed t hat I was as If I was her best friend. In between classes, I saw Rachel Glenn out Invitations. Those who got Invited all squealed In delight upon receiving It.I sat on the edge of my seat, expecting to receive my invitation. But by the end of the day, I left school empty handed. I could not believe I did not receive any invitation from Rachel It's just not fair. Fury and jealousy overwhelmed me. My blood started to boil. Did Rachel really treat me as her best friend? All she cares is popularity. Out of hatred, I tested everybody her biggest secret. The secret that she trusted me wholeheartedly with. Tested and revealed that her parents were divorced. All of the sudden, I heard a familiar voice calling out for me, â€Å"Shania! Here's your invitation! † I stopped momentarily. My blood went cold.Invitation? She Invited me to her arty? â€Å"Here,† she shoved the pink envelope Into my hand, â€Å"I'm sure you are coming. † I nodded my head shakily. Oh no. I shouldn 't have done that! Why did I do it? Worry and anxiety overwhelmed me. There was nothing I could do to take back my actions. Just then Nicole walked out of the school gates and gasped out loud while looking at her phone. She then saw Rachel and approached her, saying, â€Å"l am so sorry that your parents are divorced. † Nicole gave her a quick hug and left. Rachel stood still. Her eyes widened with shock. Why did Nicole say that? The moment Rachel regained her senses, she glared at me.MUD. You are the one behind this. You are the only one who knows my greatest secret. I trusted you, because you are my best friend. I can't believe you told Nicole? You know I hate It when people know about my personal affairs! † â€Å"I'm sorry†¦ I TLD mean to tell everyone your secret! † I apologized to her. â€Å"Everyone? You told everyone? † Muttering to herself, â€Å"l can't believe I was dumb enough to tell you my secret. † She onwards, I made a resolution never to Jump to conclusions so hastily ever again. Friendships took years to build and could be destroyed so rapidly. Regret cursed through me.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Pro Immigration Law

The Supply and Demand for Immigration Laws! One of the most controversial political and economical issues facing the United States today is immigration. The rules against illegal immigrants coming into the United States should be stricter along with the number of legal immigrants we allow into the United States lowered. The reason for these stricter laws and smaller amount of foreigners is due to the drastic increase violence due to immigrants, they also bring in a plethora of diseases while increases the cost of health care and degrading health care service. Immigrants whether legal or illegal should be under harsher rules and should be constantly observed. Sister Helen Chaska was walking around in her hometown of Oregon doing missionary work when Maximiliano Esparza—illegal immigrant for Mexico—raped her and then strangled her with her rosary beads (Crime Victims). In another cases three young boy s, two of age 9 and the other age 10, were brutally killed by two illegal immigrants. One of the young boys was beheaded while the other two almost beheaded; the children also suffered from blunt force trauma and asphyxiation (Crime Victims). Immigrants such as Esparaza and the killers of the 3 young boys have no compassion or care for Americans i. e. 9/11. A majority of the violence that occurs in cities is committed by immigrants but once they are caught they are deported back to their country of origin. Once legal immigrants are able to receive their green cards they must be immunized and screen to assure the American government and citizens that they are not bring any diseases over to the USA. Chagas Disease, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, Swine flu, Leprosy, and Dengue are example of diseases that began in other countries and were bought over to the United States by Immigrants (Engler). In the past 40 years the United States only had 900 cases of Leprosy but it was reported in 2003 that 7,000 people were infected with the disease. Leprosy was first bought over to the United States by illegal from Brazil, Mexico, India and the Caribbean. We also cannot forget the Hepatitis outbreak in Pittsburgh; the outbreak was caused by a Mexican restaurant shipping food from Mexico to United States (Engler). When illegal immigrants come over to the United States they do not care about what type of sickness they could be bringing over to the United States. A majority of Immigrants whom come over are uninsured. Forty-three percent of immigrants that come to the United States under the age of 65 have no health insurance. That equals out to 9. million uninsured immigrants and not including the illegal ones whom are unaccounted for. The cost of medical care for the uninsured immigrants is passed over to taxpaying citizens. Immigrants also use hospitals, clinics and emergency services twice the rate of U. S. born citizens. This causes long lines and over capacity health care faculties which results in the patients being rushed in and out. A California study showed that U. S. tax payer dollars continuously goes to the delivery of babies from illegal alien mothers. In one year 74,987 babies were delivered and it cost the taxpayers around 215 million dollars (Illegal Immigration). We have neglected areas in our economy where taxpayers’ dollars should be spent rather paying for illegal immigrants. The statue of liberty was not built to welcome and greet the worlds’ tired and huddled masses. The actually purpose of the Statue of Liberty was to symbolize the French-American friendship and the underlying political message of America supporting and helping Third Republic of France. Furthermore, the statue of liberty has nothing to do with freely allowing immigrants into the United States (The History). The French initial intent of Lady Liberty is to inspire many culture and countries around the world to emulate the enlightened United States such as the Sculptor of Lady Liberty, Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi, hoped to glorify the United States in the republic of French (The History). The message of the Frederic Bartholdi was not intended to be a welcome mat as many immigrants argue but encourage citizen other countries to admire America. Illegal immigrants are a burden to our country. They blatantly bring in foreign diseases, which could kill of half of our population. When the Immigrants come over here they also commit horrid crimes that are unthinkable in America but are common in their countries. Most of the crime that is actually reported here in the United States is committed by Immigrants. Due to the abundance of immigrants the cost of health care is increasing drastically and the quality of health care is decreasing. Therefore, the U. S. overnment should implement stricter rules and enforcement around our borders and we should decrease the amount of immigrants we allow in the states. Works Cited â€Å"Crime Victims of Illegal Immigrants. † Immigration Human Cost. Web. 14 Nov. 2009. Engler, Robert. â€Å"Immigration And Disease: It’s Enough to Make You Sick. † American Daily. 21 Nov. 2003. Web. 14 Nov. 2009. â€Å"Illegal Immigration and Public Health. † Federation For American Immig ration Reform. Web. 15 Nov. 2009. â€Å"The History of the Statue of Liberty. † The Statue of Liberty- Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. Web. 13 Nov. 2009.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Geographic History of Henequen in Yucatan, Mexico Essay

In Yucatan, Mexico, one of the main considered exports has been henequen that can be obtained from the plant Agave Fourcroydes. The henequen fiber has become significant to the economic stand of Yucatan since this product has conceived intense demand by international importers, such as the United States, China, Europe, etc. According to Cook (1994), during 1990s, the production of henequen has surged to a total economic export of 150,000 tons annually. In fact, the main production of henequen originates mainly from the state of Yucatan Mexico (p. 29). The state of Yucatan, Mexico, has significantly obtained economic benefits from the exports made through these henequen fibers, such as rope, rigs, sacks, and raw forms. They are usually shipped within the proximity of Merida and other cores of henequen production (Patch, 1993 p. 206). The bloom of henequen during the nineteenth century has significantly boosted the economy of the state, especially considering that they are world’s main exported of this product. From the analysis of the blooms’ occurrence, significant characteristics that have been present in the topographical condition of the state caused this immense bloom and production. The geography and climate of Yucatan State have been considered unique and very much suitable to the growth of henequen. In addition, considering the trends of exports and demands during the early 1900s, the market needs have significantly affected the consumption of the product. However, as the late nineteenth century approaches, the decline in the henequen demand in the market due to various reasons, such as competition, discovery of alternative products and conversion of haciendas in Yucatan, has become significantly noticeable. In the study, the discussion gives emphasis on the chronological history of henequen exports from Yucatan, Mexico. The study starts with the analysis of henequen bloom during the early 1900s until its significant decline during the late 20th century. The study also provides important facts on henequen growth, export historical trends contribution of climate for its growth, and the history of its market decline. Discussion Geography of Yucatan The most evident characteristic of Yucatan Peninsula is the presence of limestone shelf from the eastern to western sections that surfaces above sea level. The limestone shelf of Yucatan is present even below the sea, which is very much evident in the eastern Caribbean side. The key to the growth of Yucatan henequen is the thin limestone soils present as one of the characteristics of their lands (Sauer, 1993 p. 178). The areas of Merida and Ticul comprise the flat plains of Yucatan abundant in limestone deposits. Viewing the areas 60 km south from Merida, vast plains of Yucatan limestone are very much evident and the river areas are flow under the soil. According to Greensfelder & Dogett (2006), the significant characteristic of limestone present in Yucatan is the porous feature, which enables storage of mineral deposits as well as water source. Such features are important in promoting the growth of henequen plants, since the limestone act as the primary nutrient banks of crop roots (p. 17). The borders of the Yucatan state involve the Campeche located in the southern portion, Quintana Roo in the southeastern portion, and the Gulf of Mexico in the north and western perspective. Throughout the peninsula, lakes called lagunas are very much evident and from here on, Yucatan has also utilized cenotes or the collapsed freshwater caverns in order to obtain their freshwater. Yucatan also has their limestone pools called chenes, which also acts as their freshwater storage since the water deposits are usually brought by the underground streams. From this variety of ecologic characteristics has aroused the vast variation of exotic flora and fauna that kept the survival of Mayan civilization present in the area (Perry, 2001 p. 9). Climatology of Yucatan The Yucatan climate entails humid temperatures from November to February, while the driest season progress from November to April. Yucatan climatology is usually tropical and hot temperature progresses in an annual scope. The average annual temperatures for the Mexican Caribbean is 78 degrees F or 25. 5 degrees C with significant deviations of 5 to 7 degrees F. During the day temperatures can push into the 80s and overnight temperatures can drop as low as the 50s and low 60s degree F. The coolest months in this region are the between December to February, where the average highs are from 74 to 76 degrees F (Page, 2005 p. 10). Analyzing one of the areas where henequen is prominently produced, Merida, which is tropical and humid, obtains the annual precipitation of about 1,050mm, which signifies to potential evapotransportation of 2,000 mm (Anton, 1996 p. 118). The climatic condition of wet and dry area has been beneficial to the industry of henequen growth since this plant tend to adapt to tropical and humid environment, which describes Yucatan peninsula as the perfect place. Added by Anton (1996), the precipitation rates present in the entire peninsula accounts to a variation of 500 mm near the northwestern shore to more than 1,300 mm in the northeastern (p. 118). The Yucatan climate has been viewed as one of the contributors for the plant’s intense growth. The Agave Fourcroydes (Henequen) The henequen plant is very similar to the usual African sisal; hence, it has acquired the name Yucatan Sisal. The Agave fourcroydes plant can be easily recognized through their leaves that have a prickly and grayish green color. The leaves are processed in the same fashion as sisal, while the strands are carefully cleansed and place under the sun to dry (Cook, 1984 p. 29). The henequen stalks can extend up to 2 meters long and 10 cm to 15 cm wide. The preferential disadvantage of this plant is the presence of thorns, which is also viewed as one of the primary reasons for the preference of consumer to African sisal since stalks their stalks are free from thorns. A cultivated henequen plant can yield about 25 leaves annually from the fifth to the 16th year after its planting. Most commonly, the henequen plant can survive and grow for seven years without intensive maintenance. In fact, with the favorable topographical condition of Yucatan, the henequen plant usually survives without being attended by farmers (Greensfelder and Doggett, 2003 p. 191). The process of extracting fiber from this plant involves the cutting of their leaves and, from the factories; they grind these until the fiber strands are revealed. The main use of henequen is for the binder twine in wheat harvesting. The advantage of henequen product over synthetic fibers is its resistance to marine life propagation, such as algae, barnacles, etc (Greensfelder and Doggett, 2003 p. 191).

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Reaction Paper on the Movie “Fireproof” Essay

The movie, Fireproof, has a very sensitive theme because it focuses on relationships on husband and wife. On the early scene, it is shown that Capt. Caleb Holt of the Albany’s Fire Department Station One’s chief. He has the motto of â€Å"Never leave your partner behind†. He has earned many respect in his career and in his community except in his household were he and his wife, Catherine Holt, always fight because they’re fighting over, mostly about financial problems and Caleb’s addiction to internet pornography. After the argument, Catherine decided to have a divorce. This is very striking because this happens not only in this movie, it is also happening in reality were married couples gone separate because of individual’s differences and negative attitude or problems. When Caleb told his father about what happened, his father asked for the reason for their marriage and he can’t answer. Then, his father challenged Caleb for a â€Å" Love Dare†. The â€Å"Love Dare† is written on a notebook by his father and it was mailed to Caleb. The contents of that notebook are all about the experience of his father when they have the same matter on with Caleb’s mother. He read all the contents expect for the bible verses on the last paragraph. The challenged lasts for 40 days. Initially Catherine doubts Caleb’s sincerity in his attempts to win her back, because of his half-hearted attempts at completing the Love Dare, but Caleb continues with encouragement from his father and his close friend Michael who also encourages him to become a born-again Christian. In the meantime, at the hospital where she works, Catherine begins flirting with Dr. Gavin Keller , who does not know that she is married, since she is no longer wearing her wedding ring. She informs him of her mother’s medical situation. Around this time, Caleb injures his arm when rescuing a girl from a house fire and is brought to Catherine’s hospital, where a nurse inadvertently says in front of Dr. Keller that Caleb is Catherine’s husband. As he continues his 40-day challenge, Caleb begins doing more household chores and running more errands for Catherine, and le aves her roses. He also smashes his computer to pieces with a baseball bat in order to remove the temptation of viewing internet pornography. Regardless, Catherine, who is led by some colleagues to think that Caleb did all these things with an ulterior motive in mind, is still intent on divorce. When she later finds out that the equipment needed for her mother’s medical care has been paid for in full, she arranges a lunch date with Dr.  Keller, thinking that he was the benefactor. Caleb discovers Dr. Keller’s relationship with Catherine and immediately informs him that he won’t let him have Catherine without a fight. Dr. Keller, who does not want to be an obstacle in their marital squabbles and is already married anyway, quietly breaks off his relationship with Catherine. Caleb later finds Catherine at home sick, and decides to take care of her. At this point she asks Caleb why he has changed his behavior, and he mentions the Love Dare. Caleb then fully apologizes to Catherine for his past selfishness. Days later, Catherine learns that of the $24,300 cost of her mother’s medical equipment, Dr. Keller gave only $300 and Caleb gave $24,000, exhausting his boat savings. At this point she becomes convinced that his desire to change was sincere. Ashamed at her inability to think that Caleb’s change in behavior was genuine, Catherine digs out her ring, dresses herself up nicely and puts on make-up, and rushes to her husband’s fire station. There, she embraces her husband with all the respect and admiration he craved before. Caleb’s parents are relieved to know that their son’s marriage has been saved and Caleb expresses his thanks to his dad for the Love Dare. At that point, Caleb’s dad explains that his mother was the one who did the Love Dare on him instead of the other way around. Immediately after hearing this, Caleb rushes home and apologizes to his mother for criticizing her all those years. The couple then renews their wedding vows in an outdoor ceremony, this time as a covenant with God. As we look over the film, the theme is really forgiveness and acceptance. Not only acceptance to the person you loved but also acceptance to the will of God. If you really love the person, you really do things that you don’t normally do.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Wal-Mart Consumer Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Wal-Mart Consumer Analysis - Research Paper Example The history of Wal-Mart began a little after 1972 as a rural shopping store chain in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Missouri (Lecavalier). The Wal-Mart company has four major divisions at the retail level: Wal-Mart Discount stores, Wal-Mart Super Centers, Sam’s Club Warehouses, and Neighborhood Market stores. The company‘s size can be emphasized by the fact that it employees more than 2 million people, reports a profit of close to 100 billion dollars, and has more than 7,000 outlets and counting. The success of the company lies in their customer strategy (Lecavalier). Being the world’s largest retail stores has been part of the growth challenge and customer care improvement. The rapid growth of the company led to new research strategies on the ways of improving its services to its customer base. The major focus was ways of improving customer care services and customer experiences while shopping at the stores. There are several sources of customer information at the dispo sal of the giant retailer, with some of these not used appropriately. The best and reliable sources of customer information are the touch-points of interaction between the company and the firm. There are majorly two touch-points in the Wal-Mart scenario: the pre-consumption stage and the consumption stage. In the pre-consumption stage, Wal-Mart acknowledges that the consumers interact and share a certain amount of with the customer service or the salespeople. This is an important step for Wal-Mart, and the next decision is that of determining what information to capture, and the manner in which the collected data will assist in making decisions on improving customer care procedures. The frontline operation personnel of Wal-Mart are well positioned to gather customer information, and the firm uses them to obtain the information it requires. The frontline personnel receives training on the what, when, and how of eliciting or observing customers and obtaining information (Feller, Shunk , and Callarman, 2006). The other means of obtaining these consumer data is using intermediaries and resellers of the retailers’ products, mainly through promotion, distribution, customer service, or delivery. Wal-Mart uses the gathered information for negotiating with the leading packaged goods manufacturers like Proctor and Gamble for customized products. In the consumption phase, the firm collects consumer data on the enquiries made by consumers on the directions of use. This data provides the company with a wealth of information, especially in the areas of recovery situations and service failure, and assist in product improvement and development efforts. The consumer data collection processes applied by Wal-Mart are systematically maintained and recorded. Nonetheless, there may be other data requirements not available in the above collection methods. The company collects that information through other forms of data collection techniques, mainly research. However, the comp any first determines the most appropriate and effective information that will assist in understanding consumer preferences and needs (Lisanti). The company then decides on the appropriate decision and choice regarding the suitable consumer research method (Feller, Shunk and Callarman, 2006). For instance, there are several formal and informal measures in the determination of the changes required to improve consumer satisfaction. These methods may be qualitative

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Classical Era Reflection Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Classical Era Reflection - Research Paper Example The major theorists of scientific (management) perspective believed there is one best way to do everything – and that is the most efficient way Those theorists believed they could determine that method via whatever means they were using or purported was the best method to study the task. Those theorists of the scientific perspective discussed first are F. W. Taylor, H. L. Gantt, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, and Hugo Munsterberg. Frederick W. Taylor’s philosophy led the way for many others in using scientific and mathematical methods applied to workers, attempting to match a person’s abilities to a job in the best way possible, instituting a mutual self-interest mind-set that had never existed and improving employee productivity through incentives (Locke, 1982; Wren & Bedeian, 2009). Crain (2003) says that Taylor was noted for his scientific approach, his ability to solve problems, and his ability to invent things. His thought was that â€Å"measurement increased productivity† (p. 45). In one example, the test subject â€Å"increased production by 400 per cent while receiving 60 percent more in pay†. Taylor was best known for his stopwatch, but he believed that money is what the workers craved and they were determined to get it. Companies at that time glossed over the downside of Taylor’s efficiency gains and put increased productivity over ethics. Philosophical discussions took place and he wrote about it in The Principles of Scientific Management. He believed that ultimately improving efficiency improved society. Hodgetts (1995) analyzed ten U.S. organizations against Taylor’s principles and found that â€Å"each in its own way used Taylor’s four principles to help focus their total quality management strategy† (p. 218). The four principles are summarized as follows: 1. Develop a science for each part of a person’s work, replacing â€Å"a rule of thumb method† (p. 218). 2. Scientifical ly pick and train employees rather than allow employees to arrive and work as they wish. 3. Cooperate with employees to ensure work is done according to scientific guidelines. 4. Divide work as equally as possible. Allow management time to oversee the work of the employees and shoulder the responsibility of holding others accountable. Henry Laurence Gantt worked closely with F. W. Taylor. Gantt brought a human quality into the scientific side of Taylor’s work. Gantt developed a bonus pay structure for the employee who completed their piece rate work for the day and was able to complete more than the assigned tasks. With Gantt’s methods of the use of incentives for employees â€Å"production was often doubled† (Wren & Bedeian, 2009, p. Fax 2). Frank Gilbreth differed from Taylor in that Gilbreth used time motion studies where Taylor used a stop watch and was using only time rather than time motion. Gilbreth was best known for establishing the hope of finding the one best (most efficient) way to do any and every task (Wren & Bedeian, 2009). Lillian Gilbreth, PhD, continued the work the two of them conducted even after Frank’s death and she later became published. Hugo Munsterberg was the father of industrial psychology as we know it today. He believed psychological themes could be applied in the workplace. In 2009, The New Yorker published an article describing in detail the events of Classical

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Nutrition 6 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nutrition 6 - Assignment Example The symptoms of infection include diarrhea and excessive vomiting that last up to a week. Further, other symptoms that accompany vomiting and diarrhea include fever, fatigue, abdominal cramps, and nausea. 2. Do you believe that GM foods should be readily widely distributed to the public? (Make sure to refer to the facts in the article to support your ideas. Address the benefits and risks associated with GM organisms. GM food should not be widely distributed to the public because they might cause health problems this is because genetic foods are produced using poisonous synthetic fertilizers, animal feed antibiotics, and growth hormones that are harmful to human health. Genetically modified foods should be labeled so that people have a choice on what kind of food they want to purchase. However, genetically modified foods are beneficial since they lead to high yields. Proper labeling matters a lot because it reveals nutritional values of the foods which gives a consumer an easy time deciding whether to buy or not (Crinnion, 2010). Organic foods use organic fertilizers, which mean they are free from chemical contamination. On the other hand, genetically modified foods are produced using synthetic fertilizers that contain toxins and chemicals. Conventional farming use synthetic fertilizers made from nitrogen, which in turn finds its way into lakes, rivers, and other ecosystems thus affecting water surroundings (Singer, 2012). Contrary, organic farming does not pollute the ecosystem because farmers use fewer fertilizers and in some cases, they do not use any fertilizers. It is significant to note that organic method of farming enables the soil to store more carbon thus reducing the rate of carbon dioxide emission to the atmosphere (Crinnion, 2010). Organic foods are healthier than other foods because Consumers believe that organic foods have fewer poisonous chemicals and higher nutritional value. The levels of nutrients in organic foods vary because of the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Medical coding Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Medical coding - Coursework Example While similar studies could be done using data collection from other government services, it would take much more time to do so. CPT can help quickly summarize the data and highlight areas of high frequency or areas which have become important during the last few years. By following such an analysis insurers could be able to reduce their cost and their final price for the customers too. By pricing their insurance products according to occurrence rates for specific ailments, prices for certain insurance covers could be reduced. Also, insurers would be able to track the areas where the claim costs are highest and act accordingly. Finally, this analysis could help make forecasts and predict when certain events are more likely to occur and where – this could help plan resources to tackle such issues in time. 2) Extension to pharmacies and laboratories: CPT codes could be given extension to cover pharmacies’ and laboratories’ activities. The CPT could cover the entire Medication Therapy Management (MTM) services. This would prevent adverse dispensing events and the physicians would also be kept up to date on medical consulting/therapy that the patients have already received. Further, laboratories could also use the CPT codes just like physicians for reporting and managing their billing and services to patients. 3) Cross-country standardization: As CPT codes have standardized the healthcare and insurance industry practice in the US, an extension of these codes could be to set the standards internationally. With such standardization, sharing of best practices and faster dissemination of information across countries could be much faster and efficient. 4) Remote surgery protocols: CPT codes could also be helpful in conducting remote surgeries. Remote surgeries refer to physicians conducting a surgery from an offsite location using robot technology which is linked up through the internet. CPT codes could help by having standard

Contribution of High Performance Working towards Greater Skills Essay

Contribution of High Performance Working towards Greater Skills Utilisation in UK Organisations - Essay Example The organisations are not able to fully utilised the potential and skills of the employees. Also, most of the employees are working in the position which are not compatible with their skills. All these factors have negative impact not only employees but also on organisation and in turn on whole economy. In this report an attempt has been made to analyse the extent to which high performance working in organisations can contribute towards greater skills utilisations with reference to the organisations in United Kingdom. The topic under discussion requires an organisation to develop a stimulating environment that harnesses its employee’s true working potential. By creating an environment that empowers an employee to use his skills to their maximum capacity would not only benefit the organisation (in terms of growth) but also the economy as a whole. When developing a workforce with variety of skill sets, it is of utmost importance to look at the broader picture (Dessler and Varkke y, 2009). In this broader picture the participants of the work force and the participating organisations are not the central figures. It is the economy of the country that is the central figure. Whenever, there is a demand for highly skilled workforce in the economy there arises a need to provide constant replenishment of workforce with new package of skills. When this happens the economy starts to move towards growth and prosperity. Therefore, in order to help the economy to grow and more importantly for its own growth an organisation should make endeavour that allows it to utilise its employees’ true working potential. An organisation can achieve this objective by crafting a High- Performance Work System. High-Performance Work System: A High- Performance Work System is an integrated set of human resource management policies and practices that together produces superior employee performance. Although there are no definite parameters or features of this kind of systems, but e xperts do believe that this kind of a system should comprise of the certain practices like: Employees Security, which entails job security and safety from workplace hazards and unjust employer treatment, selective hiring which involves the process of hiring individuals who fit with the work description, personality traits and organisational mission, extensive training which entails administering job specific training along with skill enhancing drills, self managed teams and decentralized decision making which in turn supports the delegation of work and authority, reduced status difference between managers and workers, information sharing i.e. Passing on the information that will help the person performing the task, contingent rewards (pay for performance) this enables the organisation to link reward with a performance goal, inspirational motivation through transformational leaders i.e. mentoring and supervision, measurement of management practices i.e. develop a departmental level S corecard to assess performance, and emphasis on high-quality work (Wood and Wall, 2007). With the help of high performance work system an organisation can achieve is several benefits and advantages. The organisation will be able to get more qualified applicants per position, there will be more employees selected based on validated selection tests, there will be more hours of training for new employees, employees will receive regular

Monday, September 9, 2019

Electric Power Usage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Electric Power Usage - Research Paper Example The table depicts the energy consumption in a week; this will eventually be translated into a year. Since energy is billed in Kwts per hour, the energy consumption of this household in the last one month, which is consistent with the billing policy that is sent every month, the total power consumption is 750-Kilo watts/hour in this household. Assuming that the trend is uniform and the average of the power consumption in the one month is used to reflect the annual consumption then this will be 9000-Kilo watts/hour in a year. This wattage expressed in duration per second will be; 9000Kwts * 3600 (second in 1 hour) =32400000 joules/ sec. (32.4 Mega joules per second). In relation to the information above it can be appreciated that the energy consumption per household is quite high and apart from electricity, it is hard to sustain the energy demand more so using other non-renewable energy sources like coal. It is therefore vivid that the amount of coal required to produce the stated energy can be calculated. It is known that the energy released by coal can be calculated in Kilowatts per hour for a defined mass of the coal compound (Stoyke, 2007). This is 6.67Kwts/hr/kg; this cannot be efficiently transferred to usable power since the thermodynamic efficiency of coal to transfer the energy is about 30%. This is about -2.0 Kwts/hr/Kg. thus the energy that is efficiently transferred is 4.7 Kwts/hr/Kg (Meier, 2006). To sustain an annual energy demand in a household, a total of about 1915 Kilograms of coal is required. In regard of the above table of power consumption, the top five energy consumers in a household comprise of cloth washers, microwave ovens, driers, refrigerator, and dishwashers. This is not the only energy consumption in a household, there are other energy consumptions that do not take place within the household though at

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Should Health care in America be free Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Should Health care in America be free - Essay Example In terms of employment, Healthcare sector employs more than 1.4 people of the U.S population. Proponents argue that an individual’s right to health helps in reduction of overall healthcare expenditure that improves public health, and curb any medical bankruptcies. These proponents support their argument by the assumption that no person in developed countries can survive without accessing healthcare services. However, opponents of entitlement of Americans to health care services are of the opinion that socialism is created when revenue tax is used to provide healthcare services. Similarly, it is argued that availability and quality of health care is minimal among people who dedicate their time in getting medical coverage insurance. Therefore, despite the opponents’ opinions, America’s health care services should be free to its citizens in order to produce healthy citizens who can work in agricultural, production and industrial sectors (Stossel and Andrew 12-14). Health care system in United States should be free because when it is not free, the country would be classified as having poorest health care services among industrialized countries. An evaluation of 27 high-income democratic members of the economic Co-operation and Development Organization shows that United States has the highest infant mortality rate alongside countries such as Slovakia and Hungary, which is attributed to costly health care system. In addition, in regards to life expectancy at birth, it is ranked in the 23rd position. Unlike other developed countries, United States does not provide its citizens with universal health coverage. Despite this, it ranked number one in per capita health care expenditures among the 193 World Health Organization member states. Its expenditures are estimated at $ 6, 719 per year. According to the WHO rankings, life expectancy in the U. S is seventy-eight thus; it is ranked at number 31 in the world. Similarly, among the 193 member state of WHO, it

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Relevance of integrated transport policies and accessibility Essay

Relevance of integrated transport policies and accessibility strategies in the development of tourism - Essay Example Consequently, there are article key factors for successful holiday and tourism public transport provision. There is need for rethinking transport policy by choosing a demand-oriented approach and realizing the importance of additional accompanying efforts in the areas of marketing, transparency and quality. Focusing on the demand side, with its individual attitudes and likings, leads to a new understanding of traffic preparation by adopting a bottom up, instead of a top down approach. Tourist places consist of a range of products and services, which the tourist guzzles, usually at the point of production. Along with these, transport is often ignored, despite the highly important input it makes to the overall tourism product both as a catalyst, providing access to and from the destination, and as a provider of tourist mobility around the desired area. The contribution of good internal convenience to destination quality and pleasure is progressively more being recognized. However, a lack of clarity regarding the division of responsibility between various destination stakeholders often affects the delivery of quality transport for tourism and leisure purposes. Moreover, there is a lack of detailed research on tourists as users of transport networks, with the result that attempts to furnish for this market may be at best poorly knowledgeable, at worst mistaken. At the same time, it is increasingly obvious that visitor destinations are under pressure to cope with larg e amounts of traffic and overcrowding, in urban areas as well as rural. (Smith, Robinson, 2006) Brighton is a town on the south coast of England and with its neighbor Hove forms the city of Brighton and Hove. The ancient settlement of Brighthelmston dates before the Domesday Book in 1086 but it emerged as a health resort during the 18th Century and in 1841, it became a desired place for day-trippers after the arrival of the railway. Brighton experienced rapid population growth reaching over 160,000 by 1961. Modern Brighton is stretching along the coast, with a population of around 480,000. 8 million tourists every year visit Brighton. The town also has a substantial business conference industry. Brighton has two universities and a medical school. The arrival of the railway in 1841 brought Brighton within the reach of tourists from London and population growth from around 7,000 in 1801 to over 120,000 by 1901. The Victorian era buildings of many major attractions including the Grand Hotel built in 1864, the West Pier in 1866and the Palace Pier in 1899. (Bullen, 2005) The land area of Brighton increased from 1,640acres(7km) in 1854 to 14,347acres(58km) in 1952, after boundary changes between 1873 and 1952. New housing estates were established in the acquired areas including Moulsecoomb, Bevendean, Coldean and Whitehawk. The major expansion of 1928 also incorporated the villages of Patcham, Ovingdean and Rottingdean, and much council housing was built in parts of Woodingdean after the Second World War. Recently, gentrification of much of Brighton has seen a return of the fashionable image which characterised the growth of the Regency period. Recent housing in the North Laine, has been designed in keeping with the area. In 1997 Brighton and Hove were joined to form the unitary authority of Brighton and Hove, which was granted city status by Queen Elizabeth II as part of the millennium celebrations